Chapter 9 -Joe

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After me telling Sophie about how I felt, I heard sobs coming from behind the door, she obviously didn't feel the same, I was so stupid, therefore I went for a drive. I shouted to Sophie before leaving and got in the car. I looked up at Zoe's window, the was a light on and the curtains swished back into place as I looked, I smiled starting up the car, 'if only' I thought as I drove down the drive.

I drove down the backways for about an hour in silence, just clearing my head, it didn't work very well, everytime it was almost clear Sophie would pop up one way or another. The first time I knew I liked her, the time we went down a snowy hill together, our first argument, the day we made up and she kissed me on the cheek, the day we found our favourite song, they all played through my mind, I decided that I needed to listen to the song, so I pulled over in a layby, plugged my phone into the speaker and played our favourite song, 'soldier by before you exit', I loved this song because it was everything I wanted to say to Sophie.

By the time the song had finished I realised I was crying, I never cried, I had to go back and check she was okay.

I arrived home and all the lights were off even Zoe's bedroom light, I spotted that Sophie car was still here, at least that was one good thing, I didn't want to have to text her tomorrow asking to come back to speak to me.

I entered the house, locked the door behind me, did the curtains so that no one could see in, checked that everything was okay and then ran upstairs, I hated going up them in the dark still even at the age of 23.

I came to Zoe's door and knocked gently, before opening it, letting a small stream of light that was coming though the window behind me enter the room. A small sound came from the figure on the bed, it was curled up in the defence position, I felt so sorry for her. I walked slowly over towards her, a tear rolled from my eye, as I sat down on the bed carefully, just incase she woke. I looked at her and almost smiled, until I saw the tear stains left on her face, where the little bit of makeup that she had on had ran down her cheeks along with the tears I had made happen. I brushed a small strip of her silky hair behind her ear, tears filled my eyes again.

I rushed out the room, quickly, tears streamed from my eyes, I felt so guilty for hurting her and now I knew she didn't like me. I had to text someone, my sister? no she'd take Sophie's side, maybe Alfie, he's not completely swayed by my sister all the time. I texted him, about what had happened and how I felt.

Within ten minutes he had calmed me down a bit, but I still worried about Sophie. Alfie then began to text me about what I should do, I could of bet that Zoe knew and some of the ideas where hers.

Suddenly I either had the most craziest, or (what I thought was) the sweetest idea yet, I decided to look up Photos and videos of me and Sophie, so that when she came down in the morning she would see pictures of me and her and how much our friendship meant to me. I also decided that when I was finished with the pictures that I would sleep in with Sophie, as I wasn't sure if she was okay or not.

When I woke up in the morning, I scanned Zoe's room, nothing of Sophie's remained, it was gone, I sat up quicky, scared that she had already left and I wouldn't be able to tell her how I felt. I chucked clothes on and sprinted down stairs 'what was I thinking, im such a dick' I thought ripping the photo next to me down.

"How could I treat her like that and expect...". "Expect me to what Joe?" she said as she rounded the corner carring two coffee mugs.

She gave me a sweet smile as she handed me the mug, and sat down on the sofa. "I thought you left Sophie. I'm extremely sorry, I dont know what I was thinking, compromising our friendship for something as stupid as that kiss, I hope you can forgive me?" I said giving her my pleading puppy dog eyes.

There was a big sigh, a little giggle and then she looked up at me " Of course, sit down, drink up, it's gonna go cold" she spoke softly, something was wrong, motioning to the mug in my hand.

We talked for a while, until she went up to get changed, I was just about to text Alfie saying what had happened when I recieved a text from Zoe. It read ' Hi Joe, I hope everything's alright, however how would you like to make it up to Sophie for your treats that she give's you, it might earn you brownie points? "

" Love to, How?" I replied, I would love to say thankyou to Sophie and also earn some points which I could use later on in life, if you know what I mean.

Zoe and me had a plan set up and booked before Sophie had even come down from getting ready, she explained that she had emptied her bag as she was suppose to be staying for 6 days, whilst her parents were away, if it was fine with me.

I told her that I had to go shopping today and she asked why and what for? I explained that it was a Youtuber party and that they didn't text her, because they knew that she would get the message from me since she was staying.

"Awesome lets get going then" she smiled and so we headed out to buy our formal wear for her party that she knew nothing about. 

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