Chapter 39 - connor

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"Thats awesome news Sophie, im glad that we will get some time to hang out before playlist" I said air punching the sky, with the hand that wasnt holding my phone. Sophie had just rung saying, if the offer still remained that she would love to come round a week before playlist and check out LA with me. "Cool just give me a text when your flight gets in on the Saturday and I'll come and pick you up, okay?" I said grabbing a piece of paper and joting the flight times and dates down. "Bye see you in a few weeks, love you x" I shouted as I hung up.

I held the piece of paper up and started at it, I had a chance, a chance to get my best friend back, a chance to maybe be more, however Joe was a problem. He would be in the way, right? She seemed to spend most of her time with him at the moment, at least he wouldn't be coming with her. "At least thats a good thing" I spoke aloud to myself, pinning the note up on my board.

I sat down in the living room and started to think of ideas for videos including Sophie, drunk videos, youtuber whispers and the tin can challenge all came to mind but they just didnt seem good enough. Maybe Sophie would help me pick a cat, I adored cats and now that I had my own house I could have one, 'hum... maybe a vlog? Would be best, I haven't done one in ages! It could be an idea' I thought... It was a good idea.

After a while I had a list of ideas that were a bit weird but should do to help us decided on a video idea. I looked down a my watch, noticing it was 3:30, I freaked, Tyler would be in half an hour and I needed to set up the recording equipment.

We were going to record us doing makeovers on each other, on my channel tyler would style me and on tylers I would choose a completely different look for him too. We had even brought new clothes for each other to wear, little did tyler know I had chosen a lycra all in one body suit that was going to be his main item of clothing for the video.

I managed to put all the cameras and lights up just in time, I was just focusing the last one when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to reveal tylers smiling face. In one of his hands he carried a hanger with a bag hung on it, the bag was placed over to the clothes to keep me from seeing them and in the other there was a plastic bag full of things to help transform me in to someone completely different.

I greeted Tyler and asked him to come in, immediately we decided that the challenge would be better if we were slightly drunk. I grabbed the vodka from one of the cupboards and poured out two shot glasses full of the alcoholic liquid.

Within 5-6 shots we were tipsy and started to film, I decided to have my makeover done first. Tyler chucked the clothes at me and I walked into another room. I opened the bag to find a crocodile onesie, a tiara and some leg-warmers in the gaudy shade of neon pink with lime green spots.I shoved the stuff on and was regretting the idea of this video straight away, did I want this spead over the Internet? if not I guess I shouldn't be a youtuber but still it was pretty embarrassing.

I entered the room where tyler was and he started to laugh out loud, I knew I looked stupid and his laugh had confirmed it. Oh well this was it, I walked into shot of the camera and sat down. "Come on connor, give us a twirl" tyler laughed as I stood up and showed off my look. I even lifted my leg to show the awful taste Tyler had in leg-warmers. I sat down and laughed thinking about Tylers face when he saw what I had got him. " Just wait mate, you think this is bad..." I said pointing to my clothes "... just wait!", this caused the smile to drop right off Tylers face.

When my look was finished I had a lip-ring, a sleve of one direction temporary tattoos lining my arm, my hair had green highlights, my eyes were covered in eyeliner and I had tassles and butterfly hairclips attached to strands of my hair. I looked a bit mad, my eyes were wide and bloodstained from where tyler had poked me in my eyes whilst doing the eyeliner, I could have swore I looked drugged up.

"Your turn" I said to Tyler chucking the clothes at him. "Wait I need to do my intro and you need to out of the clothes and tone down everything" Tyler said making a damn good point, we didnt want people to see the finished result till the end. Whilst Tyler did his intro about what had been happening in his life, I changed into a three quarter length top to hide my tattoos, chucked a hat on to hide my hair and scrubbed my face to get the makeup off. I returned and Tyler introduced me.

We explained what we were doing and that we had done my makeover on my channel before moving onto Tylers, That was Tylers cue to leave and see what I had brought him. Inside the bag that I had brought for him there was; a lycra all in one body suit, a pair of huge pink and glittery fairy wings, some flipflops, a purple tutu skirt and a sliver sparkling cape.

Within minutes Tyler came storming into the filming area. " What on earth is this" he said trying to untangle himself from the fairy wings. I began laughing at the way he seemed to waddle into the shot of the camera, it just seamed so unlike him. I made him do a twil before showing the audience his 'special features' as they were.

I edited Tyler by adding fake clip on stretcher earings to his ears, by adding yellow, no not blonde, yellow highlights to his hair and finishing his hair with some extensions in a dark black. I then added makeup onto his face making him appear as a girl, he even had eyeshaddow and lipstick on. Lastly I added a eyebrow peircing to him, a tattoo of a rose with a blade through it on his arm and some fake eyelashes. He looked very different and it scared me a little.

I showed tyler his new looked and his face showed a look of disused and horror. He then looked at the camera asking the fans to rate his look on a scale of 1-10, 10 being beautiful. We both said good bye and turned off the cameras before busting out laughing at Tyler. I waited till he'd gotten changed, pulled the extensions out and had washed the makeup of his face, before suggesting that we should go out for a meal, as I was in the mood for McDonald's.

Tyler agreeded and we soon piled into the car to get some alcohol and some food. We grabbed a bottle of vodka and some cocktail stuff to help make drinks later and then traveled to Maccy D's. I drove into the drive though and ordered two double cheeseburgers, a 20 pack of Mc nuggets and two large fries before paying and recieving the food at the end of the drive in.

As we traveld home I couldnt help think about Sophie and I had no idea why!

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