Chapter 11 Joe

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I breathed a deep sigh and began driving toward the town centre, Sophie's voice echoed through the car, it caresesed me and relaxed me, it was nice to hear her sing for once, she had such a beautiful, angelic voice.  I glanded over at her, trying to also consentrate on the road as well as her, she was looking out the window, arms crossed on the car door, hair blowing behind her and the sun was shining over her, giving her an angel like glow. This was the life, hanging out with the girl I liked.

Suddenly a Before you exit song began to play 'Dangerous', I turned to look at Sophie to see her looking at me, I nodded and began to turn it up, before too long we were both singing out loud, windows down, laughing and joking just enjoying each others company.

The time spent with Sophie in the car didn't last long enough, I wanted it to last forever like that, we parked and I began walking to a place where they sell party clothes for both males and females, only thing is its quite posh so I needed to be smart to get Sophie to buy something.  "Joe?" Sophie whispered to me as we past a woman, "why are we coming in here?" I heard her ask, I turned my head " to buy formal party things for the party, plus why are you whispering". She gave me a confused look, then shrugged before vering left to look at a dress she had spotted.

I walked over to the jackets/blazers, (I have been told they look good on me), I picked out a few I saw they had in my size and went to the trouser department, here I picked out several pairs before finding a fitting room, I tried on about 3 outfits before settling on a black jacket and matching trousers, now to find a shirt I said grabbing the suit and rushing to where they kept the shirts.

My eyes darted towards the evening dresses for women and I saw Sophie looking at herself in the mirror, she was wearing a bright red, knee lenght dress which fitted her perfectly, she had also found some shoes, a bag and a necklace to match by the looks of it. I forgot that she hated shopping so much that she searched for the thing she wanted straight away just to get out of town quickly.  She walked into the changing room and I adverted my eyes back to the shirts in front of me, I picked up 3 shirts one blue, one grey and a white one, I quickly walked back to the changing room, I tried all three on before settling on the white one.

I collected my stuff and headed towards the check out, where I instantly spotted Sophie in the line, however she had two dresses instead of one. I came and stood next to her, "two dresses?" I questioned raising a eyebrow, she turned and gave me a cute little smile "yeah, they're both half price and I look fit in them" she joked. I smiled, it was sweet of her to think she wasn't good looking normally.

Suddenly I had an idea, "Sophie, do you wanna go out for lunch and then see a movie?" I asked hoping for a yes, she turned her head to look at me and beamed "of course I do", she screamed before hugging me, "Yes!!!!!" I thought as I fist pumped the air whilst hugging her back. We paid for the clothes and looked around town for a while, in which she was giving me clues for her birthday, which was soon. After about 35 mins of searching we decided to head for something to eat, so we headed for an indian. In the end we both had a korma and nnam bread, I wanted it because I wasn't in the mood for a spicy curry and Sophie doesn't like things too spicy. 

After we had fed ourselves stupid, we headed slowly towards the cinema, I knew there was alot of good movies on at the time, so I decided this would be best since it was starting to rain outside. Sophie and I looked at the timetable for the movies on at the cinema however nothing was on for the next hour and half, so we decided to go back home, picking up some icecream on the way home to make sundays with and watch a film.

Once back, we planned on showing each other what we had brought for the party, I put my suit on and strutted my stuff, I even posed at the end of the hallway before turning back and strutting upto her, which in turn made her laugh. No longer had I finished when she started to undress in the hallway, I was stunned, I didn't want to look just in case she caught me staring but at the same time I couldn't help it, I only got a glimpse of her top half before it was covered by a red material. I blinked twice before registering she had the red dress on, she shoved her heels on and then began to do the same as i had, however instead of shutting my eyes to laugh at her strutting, I couldnt take me eyes of her, she looked stunning.  When she finished she asked if I liked the dress and if it was alright for the party, all I could do was nod, I was speachless (in a god way), she smiled and ran up stairs with her clothes to get dressed.

I changed quickly and began to start the sundays, she sprinted down the stairs when I said that they were done, she smiled before grabbing one and walking into the lounge. We shoved on the tv, but soon began talking over it. About 40 mins into our tv time I heard my name, "Joe?" Sophie asked quietly, I turned and looked at her, "Do you think you can come to the animal shelter with me tomorrow, I want to look at the dogs they have, mum said I can finally get one, I was wondering if you wanted to help me choose?".

I ponded over it a while, I wasn't a big dog fan however I did prefer them to cats and it was for Sophie, "Sure... what time do you want to go tomorrow?" I asked. "How about 11? as thats when they open and we can then get to them about 11:20 or so ? is that okay?" she said giving a weak smile, I nodded beaming at her and asked her about the dog she wanted to get.

Maybe that was a pressent idea if she didn't find one she loved tomorrow.

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