Chapter 42- Dan and Phil

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"Come on Dan" I say grabbing my suitcase and lifting it into the boot of the taxi. "You know you could help me, im trying to tidy up, carrying our extra bags and make sure everythings sorted" Dan yells from the stairs outside our flat, his hands are overflowing with bags and hes fumbling for the keys to lock up. I sigh and go over to help him, "here let me have them" I tell him pulling the bags from his hands causing his phone to crash to the floor.

Dan stares at the floor for a minute, processing that his phone has just been smashed to bits, before slapping me many times on the arms. "PHIL SERIOUSLY WHY!?, ARE YOU TRYING TO FUCK WITH MY HEAD?" He says angrily, bending down to grather the pieces of his phone that have been scattered along the floor by our front door.

"Im sorry, im really sorry, I didn't mean too Dan" I say lacing my voice with the guilt and regret I felt inside. "IT'S FINE!, just get in the taxi and TAKE THE BAGS" Dan spat at me, I did as he said and waited in the front seat for Dan to join me.

A few minutes later Dan joined me in the car, he didn't speak a word to me or even look up at me so we headed to our destination. The taxi driver must of felt really awkward,he kept looking over at me and then in the mirror to stare at Dan.

Your probably asking why we were takig a taxi although we could of took the tube, since we live in London. But frankly the tube is so slow and so cramped that is just easier and far less hassle to get a taxi. We were going to 'Caspars pad' for the night, in fact most british youtubers were. We were all meeting there since it was the closest to the airport and then when our flight was ready we could all travel together and not get lost, or loose each other.

We arrived, paid the taxi driver, grabbed our bags, we walked up to the door and knocked, the door opened slightly and we were immediately greeted by a black and golden puppy, who stood by the door yapping and wagging it tail. It looked so happy. I looked up to see Caspar smiling at us, he opened the door more to let us in and we walked through into the hallway one at a time.

I had never been to Caspars flat, sure he had been to ours and we had met many times before but we had never been invited round. Caspar closed the door and led us to the living room whilst welcoming us. We walked into the lounge and were greeted by many familiar faces. Zoe, Alfie, Chai, Marcus, Niomi, Louise, Joe, Jack and Finn, Jim and Tanya and lastly Ollie.

They all took it in turns to come up to all of us and hug us, we had talks about new videos, what we had planned for on the stage in a few days time and the fact that most of us hadnt seen each other in a really long time. Lastly I came to Joe, who after Dan was one of my favourite Youtuber purely because he was so funny and friendly. Even after his success he was still the same guy as before.

"So Joe I hear you have a new girl friend?" Dan said leaning on Joes shoulder, Joe nodded and smiled widely, he was obviously smitten. "Yeah shes lovely, she was my best girl mate and now shes my girlfriend, not much of an orginal story but still, it's our story" he said staring at the ground and blushing. Me and Dan both looked at each other and knew we both longed for what Joe had found with his girlfriend which I had never met.I woukd have to meet her this week.

"Cool, so will we get to meet this girlfriend of yours anytime soon?" Me and Dan said in sync except Dan decided to use one of creepy winks whilst saying it, making it sound like he wanted to see her in a different way. However Joe being Joe just laughed it off, " yeah you will, me and her are actually doing a Q&A session on stage since shes also a gaming youtuber". 'YES! A gamer girl, I've always wanted to be friends with a gamer girl...Hey maybe since me and Dan have just started our new channel we could collab' was my immediate thought and I new Dan had the same idea because his face lit up and he started at me with the same knowing smile.

"Anyway there's someone here who would love to meet you" Joe said, knocking me out of my trance, Joe leaned down to pick up the bundle of fluff situated at his feet, " meet Bailey guys!" He said holding the puppy towards our faces.



'YES! FINALLY A GAMER GIRL! I can't wait to meet her' was my first thought, she could even feature in some of our game videos for the new site. I looked over at phil who fist pumped slightly, before grinning at me, I automatically knew he felt the same. Not that there wasn't gamer girls before Sophie its just she was the only 'Girl Youtuber' in our group who was deadicated to new game content. This was going to be a fun week.

"Meet Bailey Guys!" Joe stood holding the puppy we had seen at the door earlier up in his arms. The puppy yapped and tried to wiggle through Joes arms towards us. Joe laughed at the dog and tried holding him a differnet way so that the puppy didn't need to move towards us and almost fall out of a his arms.

I let Bailey smell my hand and when he licked me, I began to stroke him in which he yapped happily as a sign as thanks. Phil copied me and soon we were sucked in, we couldnt get enough of the adorable little mutt.

"So who dog is it ?" I ask Joe still stroking Baliey behind the ear. "Oh its mine and my girlfriends, she really wanted a dog and asked me to help her choose and we both fell in love with this one" Joe answered happily he looked down at Bailey, before coming distant and lonely. As soon as he did this Bailey began wiggling in his arms and I need I had to do something.

"Dude you okay?" I asked, waving my hand infront of Joe, when Joe only nodded slightly I decided that he might be best if he sat down. I took Bailey out of his arms much to the puppy's anger, and walked Joe over to the sofa. No sooner had me and Joe sat down when Bailey can over to us and began licking and snuggling up to Joe. Thats when I noticed Joe was crying, tears began forming from his eyes and a few were running down his face.

The little dog seeing that his snuggling wasn't helping jumped up onto Joes lap and curled up in his lap, he looked up at Joe who stared back at him and soon a small smile began to show. After 5 minutes of watching this small act of kindness from an animal so small, I was stunned, I turned to Phil, who had the same goofy expression as me and was about to ask what it was we had just wittnessed when Joe spoke.

"Sorry about that guys, I just miss Sophie alot, I know its sad because shes only been gone about 5 days but still it still hurts and sometimes like just now I can't control it". Joe said sadly staring down at the puppy that was getting comfy in his lap. "So did Bailey just pick up that you were upset and help you through that moment?" Phil asked atleast I wasn't the only one thinking it.

Joe nodded, "Baileys a pretty awesome and smart dog, you should see what Caspar's taught him".

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