Chapter 4

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Being back here brought a lot of memories, not too happy memories but memories none the less. This place was my home for most of my life and now that I'm back it doesn't feel the same. The people still roam the streets, going about their day as usual, and the sun still shines as bright as the day when I left. but something was wrong, it didn't warm me up or offer any kind of guidance, of hope. I thought I'd never leave this place and now that I have it just bring me the same sense of comfort.

Alonzo has tried to contact me along with Alex, but I didn't want to see either of them. One being because I already knew the conversation that was bound to happen sooner or later. Right now, I just needed to focus on where I am going to stay for the night. Being in that lovely resort in Cuba and having the most amazing suite to now having to worry about where I will lay my head tonight. Isn't it great to be back home. 

After the day I had the only thing on my mind was sleep but not before going to the hospital to check on my father. He laid there not making a sound as if he were already gone in a sense and my mother just wanted to keep every part of him living. She refused to let go and I don't blame her. I waited and waited and waited until I felt as if I'd be sleep deprived, so I made my way over to my mother. She laid her head gently on my father's arm. I wanted to shake her awake to let her know I'll be leaving but before I could my father's gaze caught mine. I was stunned to see he was up this late with the number of drugs they have given him he should have been sleep for days. 

"Jasmine" The voice that followed didn't match the one I kept in my memories of my father and that broke my heart greater. "Yes dad?" I tried to refrain but my voice broke in the process. This was terrible to see. Ducking my head and wiping the stray tear away I looked at my father. It was no surprise by the look of him his fight was over. 

"It's a lot of things that I know I should be apologizing for, but I will save you the trouble of hearing it now" At this point I didn't care that the stream of tears was falling down my now rose-colored cheeks this is my dad and he's dying. "But I wanted to say how proud of you I am. You've managed to overcome every situation that anyone has placed you in. I knew it to be tough love like my father taught me but now I'm seeing the importance of life... Of family" He now had streams of tears down his face as he smiled gently. 

"Dad, its fine, I love you no matter what" I smiled back and wiped his tears away knowing he could not. "No, it's not fine now and it never was. The mother you are to Eli I am so proud of you. He's so smart and looking just like you and his father every day. I've never told you, but I always thought you two made a great little family. 

Hearing those words from my father stunned me. He actually thought me, and Eric were good together.  That alone has me thinking. 

"He was good for you, you know. Not like that other guy-- A-AL, is it?" He stuttered and i knew this was about Alex. I didn't know my father of all people actually paid attention or even cared for that matter. "His name is Alex" I gave a chuckle. It's not surprising that my dad even seen he wasn't good for me. 

"Yeah, him. He doesn't suite you as Eric. Ever since you two were kids I could see he was head over heels for you. Even with what his father made him do, I knew he was the one you'd be with" 

I didn't have it in me to tell my father that I don't plan on rekindling anything with the father of my child. He will never be the worst I have encountered but he's not what I want either. 

"I love your mother with everything in me but if you knew what we had to go through to be here today you'd be amazed. This woman has never left my side since the day that we met and I never left hers. She's what keeps me calm, what keeps my world normal and happy" he sighed as he looked loving at my sleeping mother. 

"Promise me one thing jasmine" He never broke the gaze he had lying on my mother. "Promise you will give Eli the life and love we couldn't give to you. Promise that he will be raised in a loving and supportive environment where he feels safe. The way he loves the both of his parents without any chance of choosing between the two of you, you belong together to give him the family he deserves because-- well, because he's an amazing boy and I'm so happy you brought him to our lives so I can see my mistakes as a father before I left this world into the next" 

Tears, hot blinding tears streamed my face. My vision was blurred from the number of tears that continued to silently pour. What he's asking I can't promise to him. I love Eric I do but... But.... 

"Dad" I choked out. "Don't give me an answer just yet. At least weigh that option. For me" 

All I could do was nod my head and clutch his hand into mine. His sleepy smiled looked back at me and I knew it was time for my departure. The medication must have finally won and he's off to slumber the pain away once more. 

What am I supposed to say or how am I supposed to feel about this? It's all happening too fast, why now would my father tell me something like this. I felt like that was his dying wish. For me and Eric to rekindle what we had for the sake of our child. But what about what I want. 

Do I even know what I want?



"This is all of your fault! You let her leave and now she wants nothing to do with us anymore!" My oh so dramatic cousin exclaimed as he paced back in forth in my living area. 

I sat on the couch just thinking about what she said before she left. Did she have another lover there? Is that where she's going? To be with some guy she just met!

Well, I guess she has been there for two years, but she promised to be with me. To have a life of luxury with me. What more could she want or ask for?! First, I need to find out who the hell this guy is and when I find him it'll take everything in me not to strangle him and make it seem as if he went missing. Granted she'd probably know it was me... Or Alexander. 

Looking back to my cousin he almost seems as if he were going to cry. You've got to be joking. 

"You're not crying, are you cousin?" I teased, it's just something about seeing him angry. He makes teasing fun. 

"Fuck you! Fuck all of you! I have tried and tried to be the man she needs but yet she turns to a demone  (Demon) like you!" 

"Hang on aren't you the one to tried to clip my piccole farfalle (little butterflies) wings"

"You speak as if you know everything cousin but honestly you know nothing. I will get her back because it's me that has been faithful from the day she has left. It is I who sat miserable while you and that FUCKER partied it up with every Canga (bitch) in the city" He yelled even louder. And i thought that wasn't possible. 

Yes, it's true I slept around a few times to keep my bed warm, but he doesn't know how I feel about Jasmine. He doesn't know the love and passion that takes over us when we are near each other. He's the one that doesn't know he won't stand a chance when it comes to who of us has her heart. I know he fears the truth that he had his chnace and he blew it.

"Lo stai facendo solo per l'inferno di quando sono io che la amo. Presto ti annoierai e te ne andrai, ma io rimarro, sempre" (You're just doing this for the hell of it when it is i who loves her. Soon you'll get bored and leave but i will stay, always)

And with that he stormed away. I sighed a breath of relief. 

"The drama queen has now departed!" I yell out to him. He didn't give a response on his way out. 

I grabbed my phone from the table and lounge into the couch where me and Jasmine enjoyed ourselves before. Maybe I need to give her romance so she knows I'm serious about wanting only her but that can wait for now. It's time to find this mystery guy and have a quick chat. As i said before i just want to talk.




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