Chapter 3

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Walking up to my office door I sigh and knock getting ready to 'calmly' explain to Lindsay why she couldn't be here.

"If you aren't Mr.Newman get the hell away from the door!"

"Lindsay it's me open up" she immediately opens the door and I walk in shutting the door behind me , I watch as she sits on the edge of my desk with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Why did you tell me to leave I didn't want to leave."

"Because I'm through with you Lindsay you can keep your job for now but once you find another I want you gone"

"B-but why we were so perfect!"

"We fucked rarely and than after last night I don't want to see you anymore"

"I'm sorry I can make it up to you if you let me! I promise I can make it up to you" she gets down on both of her knees and begs me not to let her go.

The gesture turned me on , I like having power over my women but Lindsay will never be that girl for me nor will her girlfriend. I'm through with them. I pull her back to her feet and walk over to my office door where security waits.

"Come back to work tomorrow but what we had between us will never happen again. Understand?" I guide her out of my office while soothingly talking to her but being sure to get my point across that I wanted nothing to do with her anymore.

"Yes" she says sadly before being escorted out of the building my the security guards.

I sigh in relief now that she's dealt with I have another mission before I put my mind into strict working mode. I quickly buzzed Linda asking her to meet me in my office , out of all the other women in my building Linda was the only one who doesn't have a crush on me.

I'm proud that she's a happily married women who takes her job seriously not like the other women here, I wonder how they even finished school when all they ever think about is being in their bosses bed.

I couldn't blame them though I was a handsome bachelor who has never had a girlfriend before , I could do things to a women to scar them for life but I'll save that for 'the one' so they call it.

"You wanted to speak to me Mr.Newman?"

"Yes, I have something for you to do" she nodded her head in understanding letting me know she was all ears.

"I want you to get me a file on a certain girl from the coffee shop , she's new there and her name is jasmine"

"Will that be all sir"


"I'll get on it right away" she stands up and leaves the office without another word or any questions ask, that's what I like bout Linda she didn't pry into peoples business which they know not to pry in mine anyway Linda was genuine.

Thoughts of jasmine flood my mind and I couldn't get those mesmerizing blue eyes out of my head along with her beautiful smile and adorable blush. I needed to know more about this girl she's way to beautiful not to notice , I hope I get to her first before all the other males.

The thought of any other male touching her made me furious to the point I found myself shattering the glass cup that held water. I don't like the thought of someone touching her body or kissing her plump pink lips , I don't like the thought of another getting to stare into her gorgeous blue eyes or have her moaning their name.

Their was something about jasmine that was in a way addicting it pulled me to her , I longed to know such a beautiful girl as herself.

Is she the one?


Hours passed at the shop and I was exhausted I missed my little Eli making funny faces and giggling at all the crazy jokes I told him.

I only had five more minutes and I could go swoop up my little man and have a tickle fight like we do every night before his bath.

I wiped down the counters and made sure everything was stocked for the morning when the others come in, I was only three minutes away from clocking out when someone else strolled in.

"Hi how are you today" I greeted in a enthusiastic voice, I don't even have to try sometimes it just happens.

"I'm good... jasmine" she reads my name tag that's pinned onto my shirt, I smiled and waited for her order. I took her order down and went to make her a plain black coffee like the one I made for that gorgeous man earlier, I figured if he liked it more people would also.

"Thank you and my name is Linda by the way"

"It was nice to meet you Linda have a great day" I wave at her as she leaves the shop.

I notice it was time for me to clock out and when I did I was overjoyed with happiness of seeing my buttercup.

I quickly drove to his fathers house to pick him up so I could see my baby boy and that killer smile he had. Knocking on the door of his fathers home I waited until he turned the knob and answered the door.

"Hey jasmine"

"Hi Eric , where's Eli-" just then I hear the squealing of my baby boy , he ran towards the door and I bent down to his height so that he could hug me.

"Aww did you miss me baby" I asked, he nodded his head frantically.

"Go get your bag buddy I need to talk to mommy okay?"

"Okay Daddy!" Elijah jumps down and runs off into his room while Eric leads me into the living room.

I sit on the couch across from him waiting for him to talk to me.

"So what do you need to talk about" I ask curiously.

"I want to talk about us?"

"W-what about us?"

"I know after we found out that we had a baby I wasn't the boyfriend I promised to be and I left you but I regret it to this day... I want my family , I want what we should've had all these years. It took me a little longer to realize that but I do now"

I stared at him dumbfounded how could he want to be with me again , Yes after I found out I was pregnant we broke up but he was there through the whole pregnancy and he's still here being the dad that he was supposed to be , I love him for not abandoning his son because of a mistake when we were younger he stood up and was a man.

I would be lying if I said I didn't think about having my family again but that thought was only a mere fantasy I never expected to be anything other than co-parents and friends with Eric but now he's asking for us to be a family. I'm overwhelmed with joy.

"Eric I-"

"I love you jasmine , I always have and I never was complete with you not in my life the way we use to I want you back please come back"

He was actually begging me to come back when really I would have already told him yes he didn't have to ask me twice.

"Yes , I'll come back" I say looking at his beautiful face.

His smile is bright and warm I love when I'm the cause of him being this happy or anyone in general it's the best feeling in the world that I've made him happy with me.

"I love you"

"I love you to Eric"

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