Chapter 39

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Some people may say that once you're submissive there is no way for you to have a dominant bone in your body. I may have believed that statement if I hadn't been living with Alonzo.

I don't know what it is about him that makes me want to control him. I want him to beg and plea for me to do things to him. I've never had a feeling remotely like this but Alonzo... he's different. Sick, I know how it sounds but I can understand Alexander.

In a way.

He felt superior to me. He felt how submissive I was and how much I needed the dominance of someone to control me. It's crazy how I've changed after so many years of being the way I was.

I wonder if Alexander still ha that effect on me?

The thought of that actually made me sick! I dont want to be controlled like that, never again will I be controlled the way Alexander controlled me. I know something wrong turned inside of Alexander. That love turned rotten and fast.

Alonzo... I wouldn't say I like him but I've enjoyed his attention. He's very attractive and his voice is... I'm such a slut! He's Alexander's cousin but every time I find myself feeling bad his handsome face pops into my head and I don't care if he was the devil himself. I wanted him. I wanted him in so many ways I didn't even think was possible myself. Why is he so difficult though?!

I've tried almost everything to have him begging to be in bed with me but for a man such as himself he had much restraint. The chase wasn't disappointing i like to see him bothered by my presence and watch him advert his eyes to something less interesting. It'll be only a matter of time before he's on his knees and I'll be waiting just for that day. For now though, I'll just keep teasing and playing games until I get my way.

Only one can win this game and I'm sure that it'll be me.


"Oh mister Perez...." came the seductive voice of none other then Jasmine.  I didn't have time to play her games today....

"Not now Jasmine I'm dealing with shit so I'd appreciate just for a hour you leave m the hell alone"

"il mio bambino non si sente bene oggi?" She asked while rubbing my shoulders. I wish she didn't know how to speak Italian so well. It was very distracting hearing her unique but well spoken accent.

"Sto scherzando, non oggi Jasmine" I push her hands off of me and head for my office. I wasn't in the mood for her teasing or the games she plays with my head. My business was at stake.

I've put my heart and soul into being the most feared and powerful in the whole United States and now some fucking amateurs think they can just take everything away from me! I've killed women and children, old and young, I've even killed my parents and now what has all that done but be another achievement that wasn't being taken serious. These fuckers took me as a joke and that's the last straw I wanted blood and I wanted it now.

"Alonzo, stop stressing all the time and just chill out. How about I help you with relax" she stated suggestively. I stared at her blankly to find a hint of anything to tell me how to control this women. She's up my ass every single day unless her sons here but after she's back to her ways of confusing my once peaceful life.

"You want me?" She smiled and nodded her head. I grabbed her by her forearm and yanked her to the cells underneath the house where I kept my prisoners.

"Where are we going?" She asked. I never gave her a answer as I took ahold of her waist and took her to the dungeon. Once the door opened the musk of piss and blood flooded our noses and only got stronger as we descended the stairs case. It was cold and dripping of water and rust. I knew how dark and scary this place was but for someone as energetic and full of life as Jasmine it isn't normal.

"Where are you taking me!" She screamed threatening. I ignored her and continued until we were at the cells where women and children lay hungry and half dead. Begging for me to spare their lives begging to let their kids live but I never unlocked those doors after I've closed them. Everyone knew I wasn't a stranger to killing anything or anyone in my path but yet they challenged me!

Alonzo Perez is being challenged in a world he created! He's being beaten at his own game!

"Who are these people! Let them go!" She cried as she seen the kids dirty and probably on their way to the heavens. Somewhere far away from this cruel place that the devil has put them inside. I killed hundreds and yet it still got to me how I could kill a toddler for the sake of power but I'm a man. I'm the most feared for a god damn reason.

"You want me right? You want the devil who will kill a two year old kid just for the word respect. I'm not the man you want Jasmine! I don't care what the fuck my cousin had done to you because honestly I don't care! But you coming here thinking that you can control me! Fuck!" I pulled my gun out and shot the mother who cradle her sickly child in he arms trying to protect him away from the bullet. I watched as her body went limp and fell backwards to the hard ground. I watched as the toddler sobbed trying to wake its mother who wasn't going to return back and yet I felt remorse for who I've become... for who've I created.

"You're no better then your cousin! Killing innocents just to feel superior about yourself well guess what? You're just sick and twisted just like that fucker!" She shoved me against the wall and beat on my chest. I laughed at how she only just realized who I am.

"I'm very much worse"

"You're sick!"

"Tell me about it" I fired again this time aimlessly and watched the bullet travel at the speed of light while hitting the boy who mother I just killed right between his little eyes.

Jasmine screeched and put her hand over her mouth to suppress her cries. Now she know who i am. I am one who is no I be taken lightly or as any kind of joke. I'm the one who haunts parents dreams, the monster under little kids bed, I'm the devil.

Once our eyes finally met she glared at me before running up the stairs that led to the main house. I looked around at the frightening bodies who tried to keep quiet so that I wouldn't notice them but I noticed them all. Every last one of them.
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