Chapter 13

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After picking that we'll play uno for the night I sit opposite from Alexander while Elijah sits at the head of the table with pillows under him to make him bigger to reach the table. He's so cute but also such a cheater.

I'm still bummed about not spending time with my parents , they raised me and made me who I am. Yeah I was kicked out at a young age when I was pregnant but that's only because I had to learn how to take care of myself and my child, they only wanted the best for me but Alexander can't see that he thinks that they are no good for me but I think he's wrong.

I tried to explain it it him but he'll always say that I'm defending them. I wish I could see them and spend the night with them like old times but I had to decline staying there for the night and instead I'm home playing uno with my son and Alexander, this is nice and fun but just the thought of actually being back in my parents home after all these years it made me sad.

"Baby ,it's your turn" Alexander says with a smile plastered on his face , he's so handsome and he makes me smile and laugh more then I could possibly think of. He was a breath of fresh air and I like him a lot but I still can't forget what happened earlier and how he spoke badly of my parents.

I throw out a random card and continue to get stuck in my own thoughts.

"What! You gave him the game, awe man all hail the champion of uno. Ladies and gentlemen, Elijah!" He picks Elijah up and tickles him , the scene was so adorable watching him and Eli bond but I was still not in the mood to do any of this I did because it was expected of me to and I didn't want to let them two Down so I played along.

"That's what I call playing your cards right, didn't he do good baby" I plastered a forced smile on my face and agree with him.

"You know I'm tired I think it's time for bed, come on Eli" I hold my hand out and he jumps to me. I swoop him up and head for my room where I plan on just thinking and letting all this sadness go.

"Oh um.. okay well I can tuck him in and we can read him his story before bed" I loved that he was willing to do this like he always does when Eli is here but now was not the best time and even though I'm a very bad liar I needed to try and just have a little break away from him.

"No it's fine I got it, thank you" I say before heading up the stairs and into my room.

Quickly putting Elijah to sleep he was out like a light in ten minutes tops , he must have been really played out to have gone to sleep that early but I'm glad he did now all I need is a shower and some cold water and I'm good for bed.

I leave the door cracked an walk into the hall careful not to make to much noise seeing as Alexander is right next door. Making it to the bathroom I turn in the shower and get in and began to shower.

A tear slides down my eye as I think of my parents , what the heck have I done. I wanted so badly to just be under the same roof as them and than on the other hand I wanted to please Alexander, he's right when he says that they haven't been the best parents but he's wrong about them because I know they love me with all their hearts. It was just tough love and I was tough enough to see past all the things they did and actually find what they've taught me to be useful with having to take care of my son.

I cried for a few minutes in the shower as I remember my life before having Elijah and how I was just a young girl doing everything her parents told her and actually being happy without a care in the world ,where does the time goes?

I pull back the curtains and scream out loud. There Alexander stood watching me while holding a towel in his hand , I took it and instantly pulled it around my body to cover up.

"H-How long have you been there" I ask pushing some of my hair out of my face.

"Get dressed I'll be waiting outside of the bathroom" he walks out without another word , the look on his face was one that I couldn't describe. I was to busy worrying how he came in here without making a single sound, that was weird wouldn't I have heard him?

I got dresses and brushed my teeth before taking a deep breathe and finally leaving out of the bathroom and into the hall where Alexander stood , he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask him , I was sad yeah but I still didn't want anything to bother him.

"Why were you crying in the shower jasmine" he ask staring into my eyes. I look at the ground to try and make up something worthy of believing.

"Don't, don't you dare do this" he says sharply breaking me from my thoughts, i stare up at him again to see him fuming this time.


"Why are you constantly lying to me , something's bothering you and I want to know what it is because I care for you and when your hurting than I'm hurting" I stare at him a little more to see if he'd just let it be but he doesn't. I didn't like lying anyway.

"I wanted to see my parents Alexander" I told him softly.

"I told you that they-"

"Yeah I know what you said but that still doesn't change the fact that they are my parents and I miss them very much , yes we talk on the phone from time to time but for three whole years I haven't been around my parents for two whole minutes and tonight was my chance to change that but you said no" I didn't want my tears getting the best of me but it didn't work once they started to leak down my cheeks.

"Baby I- I didn't mean for you to cry , I just didn't want you getting hurt I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I could hear him curse under his breathe once he realized what he has done.

I couldn't stand there and watch him beat himself up so I grabbed his hands and put them around my waist and hugged him. He repeatedly told me how sorry he was but that didn't matter right now because my focus was all on him and calming him down.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" He asked , I've never slept in the same bed as him but I trust him and I know we aren't going to take things to fast we are both just vulnerable right now. Him wanting to take care of me and me wanting to take care of him.

"Okay, I'll go get Elijah"

"No need I'll just sleep in there with both of you" we made it back to my room careful not to wake a sleeping Eli.

I got in the bed first and turned my back to him while he got in after me , wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing the top of my head. Sometimes I wonder how he's this much taller than me but than that's another reason why I like him so much.

"Goodnight baby"

"Goodnight Alexander" I smile to myself as his warmth radiates from him to me , it was comforting and right being in his arms while Eli was in my arms.

If an outsider looked in on us it'll look like the perfect family. I have to admit I could see myself falling for him.
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