Chapter 32

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Some examples that you're being emotionally abused.

-constantly apologizing (check)

-hiding your feelings in fear of upsetting someone (check)

-breaking down over small arguments in fear of them getting bigger (check)

-low self-esteem (check)

-needing lots of reassurance (check)

Well that's that. I'm being emotionally abused in this relationship with Alexander. All of these things I've checked off because quite frankly all of them I can relate to.

I found this book hidden in the back of the bookshelf of the library that was set on the third floor of the castle. I was searching for maybe a romance but my life felt like I was living in a horror movie. Once I stumbled upon this I wanted to know how the hell did this get in here but Alex told me his assistant Linda stocked this with books she thought I had interest in. I'm wondering if she knew how possessive and insane Alex was all along but of course she does. She didn't leave this book for nothing.

Stage 2 of emotional abuse

- saying "I'm sorry" a lot

-will shake or play with hands out of nervousness around the person.

-will lose confidence as easy as it came.

-sometimes blame themselves for others mistakes.

-will make excuses for partners behavior.

I thought about it and I don't know if I can relate but somewhere inside my head I knew that this book was stating true facts about me. I knew that somehow this was a sign to get out .

There are things you should remember when dealing with an abusive partner. Always see the signs. If your partner only cares about his/her selfish needs and put yours last then that's the first sign you should grasp.

Proceed with caution when dealing with an abusive partner. Never underestimate their intentions to any extent. Always have your guard up and always stay safe. Make sure to never-

"There you are! What happened to watching a movie" Alexander walked into the library. My heart instantly increased as I picked up another book and tossed the one I was holding behind the pillow.

"I just wanted to read" my voice was lower then usual. I just didn't want to be around him for another second or else I think I might have a literal heart attack.

"Jasmine, this is suppose to be a family thing and you've picked a book over actually trying to make an effort for me and Rachel" his voice was calm but all the more held that authority and dominance. I looked down and held back a whimper. He's getting closer, I could smell his intoxicating scent. Damn these pregnancy hormones!

"I-I'm s-" I caught myself as I was going to apologize for doing nothing. That was one of the things in the book, apologizing a lot. I really do that?

"You're what? Because I thought you would've apologized for your misdoings but I can see that you don't want to" he sighed and kneeled down in front of me. He put his hand under my chin and made me meet his dangerously brown eyes. I felt small and clueless under his intense gaze.

"What am I going to do with you, baby?" he asked. I whimpered when his grip on my chin tightened. I didn't want him to punish me! He wouldn't while I'm pregnant right! Right?

"I'm sorry Alex i-"

"It's already been done. Go wait for me inside of our room, I'll go let Rachel know that our family time won't be held until another hour" he stood and straightened his slacks.

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