Chapter 15

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What have I done.

I didn't mean to- she was- fuck I messed up. She just left without another word else , I caused that. I caused all of that she was telling me that it wasn't like that but it my thoughts were just getting the best of me and I couldn't control the toll they took on me. I was just a little sad that I actually wasn't  as good as Eric when it came to jasmine and Elijah.

I have to make this better but now I'll just give her space to calm down and I'll do the same and think things over. She'll come around I know she will.

It's been six hours and may I add long fucking hours since she's been gone. I searched and searched but I couldn't find her anywhere and I don't know where her parents live, I can't see if she was just there with Eli.

I called and called but I was just sent to voicemail. The hours were long and tiring all I wanted was to at least hear her voice and know that they are okay.

Maybe I should try and call her again.

"Please leave your message for-" I sighed loudly before pulling the phone away from my ear , with a sigh I heard the beep and begin to speak.

"Jasmine , baby , answer the phone please. I know this is probably like my hundredth time calling but I just need to know if your okay baby , call me when you get the chance Okay? And please don't stay out late it's dangerous"

I sent another one just in case.

"It's me again. I'm just calling to see if you were coming home by any chance, I mean if you need space I'm totally fine with that but I was just hoping that we could talk about what happened."

And again.

"Baby I was stupid and I'm so sorry , please answer my text and calls I'm very worried and I'm thinking the worst. I know it's Eli's bedtime so tell him I said goodnight"

And again.

"Jasmine Nichole Steward! If you don't answer this damn phone so help me. Your making all of this shit so fucking complicated when it's really not , all you have to do is answer the damn phone so we can talk but no you can't even do that. Your being very petty and it's getting me very upset!"

I was getting angrier by the second but than my moods would change and than I felt bad for the way I've spoken to her. I know her feelings would be hurt if she heard that voicemail I can't have her hurting and upset with me.

"I'm so sorry baby I didn't mean to yell at you it's just that I'm so fucking worried about you and Eli. Your out god knows where and I don't even know , I don't know if you need my help because your not picking up the fucking phone jasmine!"

That one had a little aggression to it also but I couldn't help that it was getting to me bad that she wasn't answering my calls and she was out with Eli somewhere.

"I'm sorry about that one too , just please come back and we can talk about this jasmine I'll-

Just than a beeping sound went off and a ladies voice came on and told me that her voicemail was filled. I wanted to throw my phone so bad but I couldn't , what if she tries to call but my phone is broke?

"Sweetie you have to go home , he's probably worried sick about you" my mom told me , I sighed knowing she's right because he's been blowing my phone up but I don't want to face him just yet.

He's probably still angry at me and I can't face him when he's like that , it's scares me to see him like that when he's usually sweet and gentle but he wasn't this morning.

"I know mom but-"

"No buts go home jasmine we'll keep Eli and you two work things out , I love you and we'll talk later" she practically threw me out of the house without a second word , I guess I have no choice but to go home.

Or... I could go to Eric's hou- no , no I can't do that. That'll only make Alexander angrier at me and I don't want that but I really just want to see Eric even if it's his for a second , I owe it to myself to at least hear him out. Not saying we'll get back together but this guy is the father of my child I'm stuck with him until death.

What's the harm in having a little talk with him. Alexander never likes it when we speak even if it's about Eli but he doesn't understand Eric and I we weren't just together , he was like my best friend , the one I could talk to and tell all my secrets I can't just forget about him.

Forget it I'll deal with Alexander later right now I need a friend and that friend is Eric. I pick up my phone hesitating to hit the call button on Eric's name.

What will I say? What will he say when he realizes that I'm calling after all this ti-

"Jasmine?" I froze , when I realized I hit the button. Oh shit what did I do?!

"Jasmine are you there?"

"U-Uh y-yeah im here" I closed my eyes out of embarrassment, that's all I could say come on jasmine.

"Is everything alright?" I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Yeah everything's is alright , umm how are you doing?"

"I'm good I'm just really surprised that you called me"

"Yeah about that , do you want to meet at a café or something that's still opened to... I don't know.... just talk"

"Code: Blue?"

"Yes , Code: Blue" I laugh , he still remembers our codes from when we were just two teens in love with one another but also he was my best friend and he still is.

"Tell me where you are I'm on my way like now!" I could hear him shuffle in the background and it sounded like the phone dropped twice.

"I'm at my parents house"

"Okay I'll be there in five be ready"

"Okay" we both hung up and I sat on my parents porch waiting for him.

Not even a minute later he was pulling into my parents driveway. I smiled to myself and jumped in , he smelled just like I remember. Yeah I know that sounded creepy but it's true he always had this smell that was so comforting to me I liked it.

"So where to?" I ask looking straight at him.

"How about a diner, did you eat?"

"Not yet"

"Okay then we'll go there and you can spill all of your problems onto me" he smiled his million dollar smile at me and I couldn't help but to blush , I hated how he still made me feel but I loved how he still was the same Eric I grew up with even if we aren't together he's here.

"Thank you for coming"

"I'll always come for you" I smiled knowing what he saying was true because I'll do the same for him if he needed.

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