Chapter 7

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All around me I see people who want to look important and people who want to meet the real important people here.

"Linda tell me why I had to come here again" I ask looking around at the plain people with fake smiles on there faces.

"Because Mr. Turner's son is here and if your going to partner with them on that new club then you two need to meet officially" she states , I sigh heavily and take a long sip of my drink. It was heavy but not heavy enough to make me want to be here tonight.

April or amber whatever her name is accompanied me here tonight. I really wanted to take jasmine and spend the night with her by my side but she has a boyfriend, I stopped going to the café and seeing her. It was to much seeing her after what happened last time so for now when I pass by I watch her through the window looking all beautiful and bright.

I miss her sweet voice and her warm smile , she could steal anyone's heart away just from talking to them. She melted me the first time I laid eyes on her she's special.

"Come on Alexander I want to dance" April, at least I think , says to me while tugging on my arm. I snatch my arm away from her grip and continue to drink my liquor with a bored face.

"Mr.Newman that's Mr.Turner right there... hi Mr.Turner" Linda calls to the old man , he looks to be in his late forties but he still looks good for his age. I finish my drink and set it down on the bar behind me.

Mr.Turner approaches us with a smile on his face, in all he wasn't a bad guy I actually like how he does business he's smart about every decision he makes let's just hope his son is the same way.

I turn back around and order another drink from the bar while Linda converse with him about our business. Like I said before , thank god for Linda and her professionalism because right now I want in the mood for any deals.

"I want you to meet my son Eric and his beautiful girlfriend... or soon to be fiancé jasmine"

That name, did he just say what I think he said. No it can't be , but his name is Eric-

"It's nice to meet you again" I hear her angelic voice , my heart beats rapidly as I slowly turn around coming face to face with this beauty.

Her dress hugs her curves and shows just enough cleavage to make a man go crazy. She stands out in her red dress that compliments her skin perfectly , she is gorgeous in every way possible.

"Jasmine" I stare at her and nothing else , no one is relevant at this time but us.

"Mr.Newman it's been a while since I've seen you" she smiles at me nervously, I know what happened at the shop was a little uncomfortable for her when I asked her out not knowing she already had a boyfriend.

"You two know each other" the guy next to her ask while looking in between us.

"Yeah he comes to the shop and orders the same black coffee every time"

"That's Because you make the best coffee I've ever tasted" I say and she blushes , I love her adorable blush but I love it even more when I'm the cause of it.

'Eric' grabs hold of her hand and places a kiss to the back of her hand , I could tell he felt threatened by me but I could careless all I wanted to think about is jasmine being here and brightening up my whole night.

"So Alexander this is my son Eric who you will be doing business with on the new club" I nod my head his way and he does the same while keeping a grip on jasmines waist.

I wanted to rip his arm away from her and place mine there instead but I know that I couldn't just yet. In my head she was already mine but now I have to prove it to her first.

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