Chapter 8

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I've been keeping tabs on Eric seeing the things he does during the day. He's a very interesting guy going different places all throughout the day when he's supposed to be at work , I wonder if jasmine knows this.

I know that he isn't cheating that's the first thing I've looked for but he's loyal I'll give him that much. It's something about him though that doesn't sit well with me, I need to find out quickly.

When I do jasmine will for sure be mine after , I can't wait until the day she's officially mine where I can have her for myself and love her better than he could ever have.

Going to the coffee shop I see her behind the counter with the same bright smile plastered on her face , she knows how to brighten anyone's day.

Still can't believe he still lets her work here after all he's got more than enough money to take care of his family alone but he lets her slave behind the counter to a bunch of people who yells at her. I would never let her work at such a place hardly any place but definitely not one like this.

"Mr.Newman how are you" she greets me , I smile and order my black coffee which she obliges.

I've taken notice of the things jasmine does , she's naturally a submissive to others which is a good but bad thing. People can take advantage of her but I love how she submits it turns me on.

Lust was never apart of what I feel for her I feel something deeper then that , we have a connection with each other I feel it and I know she can also.

She comes back with my coffee and I pay her, the shop was mostly empty so I asked her to take a seat with me.

"How are you jasmine" I start the conversation.

"I've been great you know how last time I told you that Eli was learning his numbers..." I nod my head signaling to her to continue.

"Well now he knows how to count from one to one hundred" her enthusiastic tone and pride for her son was most fantastic, she really cares and shows how proud she is of him at such a young age.

I wished my mother was like her maybe then I wouldn't be so cold hearted to everyone except jasmine. She has a special place in my heart and so does her son , I barely even know him and he sounds a lot like his mother. Bright.

"He sounds very intelligent I can't wait to meet him"

"Of course"

I was going to ask another question but I was interrupted by the ringer on my phone. Excusing myself I walk off outside of the shop.

"What's the matter" I ask into my phone , usually no one calls me on my day off from work.

"Mr.Newman we've got something on Eric Turner"

"Well spit it out!" My voice booms into the phone with excitement.

"We've picked up a conversation with him and Alonzo Perez earlier today making some kind of business transaction"

"Alonzo Perez , why the hell will he be making a business transaction with him"

"We don't know sir , we can get right on it"

"No ive got it from here" I hang up the phone rejoicing inside.

Alonzo was the biggest drug dealer this country has ever seen and if he's doing a business transaction with Eric that only means one thing.

Eric either wants in the business or he's already in. Either way he could get into serious trouble dealing with Alonzo , I however knew Alonzo he owes me a favor or two from our past maybe it's time to pay him another visit.

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