Chapter 25

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This was total bullshit. First, Maria, comes into my room while I'm taking a shower to tries to seduce me. She really did try it.

And then, I try to have a conversation with my mom but my baby just couldn't wait to tell me whatever it was so I snapped at her. All the things going on inside of my life was going to shit but I took it out on my baby. My poor innocent baby.

Why did she have to push my buttons even more but, I'll deal with her later because right now Maria has to get the fuck out of our house. Im so glad that were taking this trip to be away from all of our problems.

I pulled Maria to the side away from my crazy family for a moment to discuss her departure. I didn't want her here to begin with but now she had to leave or some shit was going to go down.

"Alex, baby-" she placed her hands on my chest. I pushed her away and took a much needed step back.

"Save that shit Maria, I've let you come here and I tolerated a lot from you but now I'm done with it. I want you gone by the time jasmine gets back because that is my girl and she'll always be my girl so, whatever sick thoughts in your head made you feel as if you could actually take me away from my happiness, you can think about that shit while your on the next plane back to your home"

She stood speechless at my outburst but she didn't dare say a word. If I could snap at my baby then, I could snap at anyone right now.

My ringer went off and I just knew it was my baby text me probably letting me know she's on her way home I'll reply later.

"You have ten minutes"

"That's not enough time!" She cried trying to make me empathize for her but I don't.

"Oh, really I'm sorry make that five minutes and counting" I checked my watch for the right time as she sprinted off to collect her things. Now that she's finally gone I don't have to argue as much plus jasmine and I are going on a vacation. I'm think that we're actually going to go ahead of time.

We both need this vacation.

I walked into our room to begin packing before texting her to come home and pack with me. We should be on the plane tomorrow having the time of our lives without anything from the outside world distracting us.

I probably should text her now or else she's going to be late packing the things she needs and plus while she's out she can get a couple of things also. Win,win.

Babygirl:I'm sorry Alex but I no longer want to be with you anymore. I appreciate all you've done for me but my heart belongs with Eric and I'm sorry if you're going to hate me after this but I can't hide this feeling for him any longer. Goodbye, I'll pick my things up later.

My heart dropped into my stomach as I read her message. How could she just.... why would she.... she's not leaving me! She can't leave when we've just planned a Romantic get away and now she's telling me that she rather be with him!

Me: what are you talking about! Come home baby, we can talk about this together.

My hands shook fiercely as I typed and sent the message. I awaited her reply as my stomach began to knot up. She can't leave me.

Babygirl: this is better for the both of us. Your family doesn't want me with you, they prefer you with Maria. I hope she makes you happy because I'll be happy with my family. Goodbye Mr.Newman.

Again with this shit! She can't just expect me to let her go without even fighting for her. I've planned our futures together, I've bought her an island, and I've been planning a dream castle for her. She's the only person I want in my life and I'll be damned if I let her go that easily. I won't let her go at all for that matter.

I rushed down stairs to search for one of my many car keys. I don't care which one as long as it gets me to her and fast.


"Fuck off! I want every last one of you out of my house by the time I get back! You're the worst people I've ever met! Ever! Jasmine was nothing but kind to you and this is how you repay me for all the years I've taken care of you! Leave and don't you ever show your face here again or I swear I'll kill you! That goes for each and everyone of you" I yelled out at the shocked faces of my family. They've never seen me burst with so much rage before but I never had a reason until now.

They're the reason she left! If it wasn't for them then I wouldn't have been as angry and I wouldn't have sent my baby in the hands of that jerk. They all played a part in this and how I'm feeling at the moment I could kill them but I won't.... yet.

I looked to my mothers face as she cries with a look of hurt and pain in her eyes. I walked and stopped right in front of her "especially you" I seethed before quickly grabbing the keys and dashing outside of the door.

Jasmine and Elijah have become my family. Their the only family I want and need. Eric can just fuck off if he thinks he can just play Daddy and get what belongs to me. I'll die before I willingly give him what is rightfully mine.


Finally! I've been waiting so long just to hold her in my arms like we use to and now that I have her I won't e we let her go again.

Alonzo is a fucking genius for this. He said that I'll be seeing her no less then a week and here we are now. Whatever happened I don't even want to know because now that I have my family back that's all that matters to me.

"Daddy" Elijah called from the doorway of our room.

"Hey buddy"

"Mommy sleeps here again" I could see the confusion on his face as he witnessed me and Jasmine closet then we've been in a while.

I knew this discussion was going to come sooner or latter but I'm happy that we're doing this now. No complications anywhere.

"Come on" I patted the side that was open on the other side of me. He happily ran and jumped onto the bed.

"So me and mommy have something to tell you don't we mommy?" Jasmine nodded her head and gave me the sign to continue.

"Well, you know that mommy's friend Alexander and her-"

"He's not mommy's friend" I was taken aback as he spoke.

"Well, not anymore but they were and-"

"He mommy's husband. Right mommy" I furrowed my eyebrows and stared down a shock jasmine as well. Who the hell told him that?!

"No he isnt baby, your father's right he was my friend" jasmine tried to convince him but he wasn't buying it.

"He's your husband mommy, he told me so himself see.." he ran out of the room in a hurry only to return with a plastic bag.

"See mommy" he took a small box out of the bag and handed it to jasmine. I stared the book with curiosity wanting to know what it was but I had a feeling I already knew.

Jasmine sat up onto the bed and opened the box the revealed the biggest diamond I ever laid eyes on.

"Oh god" jasmine covered her mouth with her hands out of shock as she stared down at the diamond that could cost my whole fucking life.

I closed the box and threw it across the room.

"Eric! That might cost millions" she rushed to retrieve the box on the floor. The way she stared at it made me feel as if she wanted to be with him again.

"We have to get this back to him... Uh- I-I Elijah who gave this to you?"

"Alex mommy, he said that when you cane back from your island to give it to you mommy"

Now I was even angrier then I was before. He bought her a fucking island?!

He's trying to out do me with my own family. Making my son believe that his mother is married to him and now he's bought her an island! I have to buy her something extraordinary and out of this world.

We all stood in silence not daring to say anything to each other. Just as I was about to say something the door bell rung...........

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