Chapter 31

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I ran as quickly as I could to Alexander's office and locked the door behind me. I needed to call Eric and tell him where I am but I don't know exactly where I am.

I picked up the phone from his desk and dialed Eric's phone number with shaky hands. It ranged there times before going to voicemail, I cursed and dialed the number once again.

"Please pick up" I whispered as I placed the phone back to my ear. The door jingled abut didn't approve access to Alexander.

"Jasmine, baby, don't do this. Please, I don't want to seem unfair in this so open the door. Please!" The door jingled again but this time more harshly.

Please Eric pick up... I prayed and prayed that he'd pick up. What the hell is he doing!



She's gone and it's all because of me. I failed as a father and lover. I failed to protect my family and now I have to pay the price.

"Daddy, I want mommy" Eli cried, he's been crying every since she's been gone and it breaks my heart to know that I caused this. All I wanted was a little more money, I just wanted to know that my family would be secure through anything and by being as greedy as I was I put my family at risk and now jasmine's gone.

"I want mommy too buddy. She's coming home sooner then you think" I kissed the top of his head and shushed him back to sleep. I've never cried as much as I've done since that bastard took her away from us. "Mommy loves you so much. I'm going to get her back, she'll be home" I whispered to a now sleep Elijah.

Hearing his cries for his mother made me shed tears from the deepest places inside my heart. My son has to be put through so much because of me. It's my fault, it's always been me. I'm toxic, before I came along they both were fine and I ruined that for them both. I ruined the life Jasmine was suppose to have for my selfish reasons for wanting my family back. I knew that I would always cause the down fall of jasmine that's why I didn't stay around. I'm greedy and selfish, I don't even deserve the beautiful gift of a family anyway. No one likes me and Jasmine together they never have. I'm not good enough for her and that much is true but I'll die before I let that psycho have her.

This means war in the worst way. I hate doing this to my son but it's for the greater good I need him far away so I know he's out of harms way.


If she would've just listened this would've never had to happen. 

"Dad you can't just keep me in here!"

"Alex, please let me go!"

Both of their voices ringed through my ears as I paced the living rooms floor. I currently had Rachel locked away inside of her room and jasmine resides in our bedroom with the door locked from the outside.

Yes, I've kept having a child from many people but what was I suppose to do. I love Rachel and if people knew about her they would go after her and I couldn't have that. I promised her mother I would take care of her and that's what I vow to do.

Jasmine completes me and I want nothing but for her to accept and be with me. I want our family to grow and Rachel being found out to early placed a huge pause on things.

It's either the women I love or my daughter and the answer is clear. As I made my way to her room my heart sank as I neared as I neared. Without knocking I entered her room and slowly sat in the bed cautious of her.

"Babygirl, I'm so sorry. I'll put her out I swear it. I won't let her come between us even if this is the right thing to do I'll make an exception because I love you" I pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Get off! Alex, that's your daughter what the hell are you talking about! No one should come before her" the reaction I expected wasn't this one. She's suppose to be happy I chose her over Rachel. Yes, she's my daughter and we have a type of relationship but what me and jasmine have is more. I can't fuck my daughter nor marry her that's disgusting.

I have to think of my future. Me and jasmine's future with our kids and if Rachel can't be included then so be it.

"She's eighteen, she can fend for herself"

"And you talk about my mother! How dare you be such a hypocrite. You don't deserve the tittle as a father if you can't deal with what comes with it. Children aren't mistakes and if you believe that Rachel is one then kick her out but I'm telling you this now I will leave this island and when I do I will find Rachel and help her in life because she doesn't have anyone like I had Eric when I first got kicked out of my own home" I was stunned speechless. I've never heard this side of jasmine and now that I'm hearing it everything's more clear. She's a mother and still young so she feels more about the situation then I do.

"I won't let her break us up jasmine. We have been through so much just to get here and now you want to back out because some little argument! So what I raised my voice, I always raise my voice!"

"It's not that. You raising  your voice brung me to Eric where I was always meant to b-"

"Don't you dare say his name again!" I held her against the nearby wall. "He means nothing to you! He is nothing to you! I've tried to keep calm about you using his name so frequently but now I cross the line!"

"Alex, please, you can't do this. Not to her, not to me......and not to our family.... remember" she placed her shaky hands onto her stomach and looked deep into my eyes. I felt like I was in the middle of the sea getting pulled deeper and deeper just from staring in her eyes. My baby.

Emotion built inside of me until I dropped to my knees and held her close. My faced pressed to her stomach as she ran her hands through my hair. "Shh, it's okay. I'm fine, you're fine, the baby's fine.... we're fine" just hearing those words from her made me choke back a sob. My baby was coming around like I knew she would but now it's actually happening I'm just glad she came to her senses.

"Don't leave me jasmine. I know I've hid this from you and I know how big this was and I should've just came out and told you but... I was afraid you wouldn't want an thirty-four year old man hitting on you who has a daughter a year younger than you are"

"I don't know what spell you put on me but don't ever take it back. I love you so much that I'd go to the most extreme lengths just to have you all to myself. You complete me and you make me better. I know I can make you happy so please don't give up on me or Rachel, she'll come around and then we can get Elijah and we'll all be a family like I've planned baby" I held her tighter.

"Please, don't ever leave me" for the first time in years I cried like a little boy who wished his mother was there. I shed so many tears that I thought I'd drown in it.

Jasmine being in my life has made me better. She's my other half and I'm never letting her go not for anything! We'd just have to see how her and Rachel gets along because if they can't then my mind is already clear who'll I'll forever choose. Jasmine.

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Alex has been a nutcase lately or is he the one pregnant😂

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