Chapter 9

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Alonzo ^^

We were in the middle of playing gold fish with a cheating Eli. He had the cards that I asked for but would always tell me to hold fish.

It was funny and most adorable to watch as he cheated , when he's older I'll complain but for now I'll let it slide.

The door bell ringed and I offered to answer it seeing as it was Eric's turn to play. I open the door while three men stood there looking at me with confused stares.

"How may I help you?" I ask the guy standing in the front, he was handsome looking with an intimidating stare. I felt slightly uncomfortable the way he stared me up and down before speaking.

"I'm sorry amour my names Alonzo, is Eric Turner here"

"I'll go get him for you... come in make yourselves at home" I open the door more for them to step inside while I go and retrieve Eric from the living room.

I speed walk into the living room where I see my two boys laughing and having a tickle fight , probably from the amount of cheating Eli was doing.

"Eric you have company" just then the three men step inside of the living room , Eric's face drains going pale and he quickly get from the floor with Eli in his hands.

"Baby go upstairs and put Eli to bed it's getting late" I nod my head and take Elijah from his arms and heading upstairs, I was curious as to why the men were here usually he does business at the office he never brings it home with him.

Putting Elijah to sleep was actually pretty easy tonight considering he had a long day of playing and what not.

I head back downstairs but stop halfway once I hear their voices talking to one another.

"Is this so important that you had to come to my home where my family is?" I hear Eric's worried voice.

"Eric you have to understand this business we aren't going to sugarcoat shit. Now I've got some news to tell you" I'm guessing Alonzo says to Eric. His voice was so demanding and scary it sent shivers through my spine.

"Your partner is a very good friend of mine and he doesn't want in the business knowing what we've got planned for it"

"What do you mean? He has to or else it won't work"

"Don't worry yourself I've got this all covered , I'll be help you into owning it alone with my resources it'll play out fine"

"Are you sure you can do that?!"

"Of course I can do that I'm not the most feared drug dealer for a reason"

Drug dealer?!? What the hell does he mean he's a drug dealer!

I've had to hear that wrong Eric would never get himself associated with someone like that it just can't be.

"I know Alonzo but still I can't have you coming around to my home where my family is"

"You haven't told your girlfriend about what business your in?" I could hear the amusement in Alonzo's voice as he ask Eric the question.

"No and she will never find out all she knows is that I'll be owning my fathers company in a few more months and that's all she'll ever know about this. I don't want her or my son involved with what we do"

"That's understandable but I must warn you dealing with a guy like me can earn you more enemies than you can count"

"What does that mean?"

"That mean watch your family at all times. Have a good night" I turn around and sprint back upstairs into our room.

This cant be happening! Eric's involved with a dangerous man who knows what else he is involved with.

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