Chapter 37

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She thinks she could just sit here half naked as if I wouldn't look at her. As if this was normal. I'm tired of this girl already I cant wait until Alexander comes to take back what's left of her. maybe he'll know what to do better then I could. I don't need her anyway many women fantasize about being with me everyday. They'd be willing to submit to me without another thought but instead I'm stuck here with Jasmine and her unknowing smart mouth.

"Donna pazza e sono atteggiamenti" I muttered under my breathe as I picked at the dinner that the cook probably spent hours on end making but still I wasn't in the mood for it.

"stupidi uomini e sono piccoli peni" I heard her say. She didn't even spare me a glance as she continued to eat as if nothing in the world mattered. I didn't even know she knew Italian but most likely she's picked it up from Alexnader but still it didn't help my bewilderment at hearing her bold statement.

"Basta aspettare fino a quando il cavaliere e armature splendente viene e spazzare via di Nuovo la principessa e questa volta ti lascero rimanere" I glared at her. She finally looked up and smirked at me. Those blue eyes gleamed and hypnotized me.

She stood and inched closer to me all the while keeping perfect eye contact with me. I've never felt intimidated by anyone but certainly not a women. Jasmine on the other hand made my insides squirm? I don't know what exactly I was felling but I knew I didn't want her to win this. I'm the dominate male cant any women make me bow down to them especially after I know this women has been a complete submissive form the time I met her until the time I took her.

"we'll just wait and see" she said as the door to my dining room opened and a maid escorted an excited little boy followed by his father.

"mommy!" He screamed and ran into the arms of jasmine. I stood and watched how they interacted and its true what they say 'nothing is more precious then a son and mother's relationship' I haven't seen jasmine so much as show me a generous smile since she's been her but now that her child is here she hasn't stopped smiling. Her smile is beautiful.

"Even though I still hate your guts i'd like to say thank you for saving her" Eric stated while he still watched the scene play out in front of him. I nodded even though he didn't see or  acknowledge it either. He walked over and gave her a hug which she returned generously. It boiled my blood to see her being so nice with him instead of with me. I'm the one who saved her from my cousin yet she's been nothing but a smart ass sexy pain in the ass! Wait did I just say sexy. Ugh what is this woman doing to me.

"I missed you so much" I heard Eric whisper to her. The thought of her going back to him sickened me. I saved her and its fair if I get to keep her not him! I don't like her its just I have to keep up my reputation of having what's mine remain that way. But is jasmine mine?

"I've missed you too" she replied sweetly. I think she's doing this on purpose.

This is her family no she's not. Why do you care anyway?

I don't care! I'm just..... observing the situation that's all.

"Alonzo was a complete gentlemen while I stayed here" she smirked my way before returning to the ever so sweet jasmine. How could she just change within the blank of an eye and why was it only with me whom she changed with?!

"That's great babygirl. Are you ready to go home now" I crossed my arms over my chest and remained expressionless to kept the emotions that build inside of me at bay. I won't tell her to leave but I'll be damned if I asked her to stay. I don't want her here anyway I just thought Alex would come before this clown.

"No" she simply said. My plan to remain emotionless broke when I heard those words come from her mouth. "I'm staying with Alonzo" She wanted to stay with me?!

"You want to stay with him?!"

"Yeah, with me?!"

She giggled at the both of us and walked over to where I stood. I towered over her small frame but she still caused a storm within me. As if she could see all of the things I've done. Usually I'm proud of them. Proud of the terror I've caused in everyone's life, proud of being the most feared person, proud of killing without remorse or a second thought, proud of not being capable to love anyone but her blue eyes stared into my soul and awoken something in me. For the first time in a very long time (since I was eleven to be exact) I felt sorry for my actions.

I don't want to feel this way! Why does she make me feel this way! It's very confusing.

"He's going to protect me from Alexander. We have a deal don't we?" She stared up at me with those piercing baby blue's.

"I can protect you" Eric stated but even he knew that wasn't true. Alexander took her twice from him and still he failed to protect her during both of those times. No effort was given into protecting her.

"Alonzo knows Alexander better then the both of us and I feel safer knowing that you and Elijah won't be at risk because of me" she stepped away and talked to Eric.

"Of course we can meet up places but as far as my living situation I'll be staying right here until I feel it's best if I go" She stayed with complete confidence. I've never seen a women like..... jasmine.

"It's dangerous here ja-"

"My decision is final I never asked for your opinion Eric. This has to do with me and Alexander no more would I put you in the middle" she kissed his cheek and stared into his eyes. "You deserve better than me. Be happy"

"Your breaking up with me?"

"We weren't together before but yes, I don't want to cause trouble in your life. I want what we use to have where you picked up Elijah and we co-parented a relationship was never for us" I smirked at the distraught look that over took his face. I bet he wasn't expecting this.

"I wanted to save you. I wanted to get you back and I tried but I could never find anything jasmine, please"

"I thinks it's best if we talk about this later" she looked at me with a knowing expression.

I walked over to Eric and placed my hand on his shoulder. It's time for him to leave now.

"What are you! Her bodyguard now! You haven't even been here a whole day and you two act as if you've known each other forever" he hissed my way. I gave a bored expression and called my bodyguards to escort him out the door. Two of my biggest and toughest guys came in almost immediately. Once they spotted Eric they snatched him up even though he struggled there was no way he'd be able to escape them.

"What about the boy?" They asked as they took Eric by the shoulders. I look to jasmine who rolled her eyes as if I should have known what that answer would be.

"He's staying. Tell Miranda to prepare a bedroom for him" Both men nodded their head and proceeded to escort Eric out the door.

"Happy?" I asked.

"Very" she kissed the corner of my mouth and walked away with Elijah at tow.

Oh, what is this woman doing to me.

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