- 22 - Birth

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The baby finally arrives.
This whole chapter features stages of labour from beginning to end. I did a lot of research and wrote on this for hours, so I hope I did well.


"Tell me why I chose to keep the baby?" I hissed.

Sofie and I were at the hospital, she was quite the pro and pretty calm but I wasn't. A doctor had already done an ultrasound to see the baby had turned. The contractions were getting worse. I was squirming in that hospital bed with nothing on but a hospital gown.

"Because you love her" she said softly.

I glanced over to her and tried to breathe.

"At least these breathing exercises were good for something" I laughed, then winced when my belly hurt.

Sofie looked at me worriedly, understandingly.

A woman in her 40's walked in and I sighed in relief.

"Hi Milly, I'm Rachel, your midwife. How are you feeling?" she asked calmly.

"Hi" We shook hands.

How was everyone so calm?

"My belly really hurts" I said, trying to remain calm.

"Let's see how far dilated you are, okay?" she was so kind.

I nodded and whimpered when I felt another contraction hit.

"You're dilated at 6 centimetres, that is really good" she smiled.

Why did she smile?

My legs were feeling numb and I felt sick so I didn't feel like smiling.

"We will place a monitor on your abdomen so we can check how far apart the contractions are and we can hear the baby's heartrate" she said.

I nodded.

They put it on and I was somehow relieved to hear the baby's heartbeat.

"Is she fine?" I asked.

The heartbeat was quicker than I remembered from the ultrasound.

Rachel smiled and nodded as she placed an intravenous line into my arm.

"She's ready to come out" she said "Now we just have to get her out"

I felt another contraction and let out a breath.

"Deep breath in, deep breath out" Sofie whispered next to me.

I tried but the contractions were getting stronger.

"Can I push?" I asked.

"No, that's too early" Rachel said "We have to wait till you're at 10 centimetres dilated"

"My back hurts though" I whimpered.

How would I survive this?

"You could have a bath" Rachel suggested "It helps you and the baby to relax"

I nodded "Okay"

The water did in fact soothe me unlike I would have imagined. They dimmed the light a little and I started to relax.

The contractions were eventually getting worse and closer to each other though and I had to lay down again.

I was starting to sweat.

"I can't believe this" I groaned.

Rachel had another look "We're at 8 centimetres now"

I raised my eyebrows "Only?"

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