Chapter Thirteen: Unlocking The Past Part One

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Chapter 13

        Deidra and Billy were off to the side away from the altar discussing the events that may take place within the ritual and what would become of it all when she was all powerful. Billy feared that once Deidra had completed the ritual that she would toss him off to the side and would never have anything to do with him again. 'With her draining the slayer's powers into her... why would she want to stay with a normal vampire like myself. Although... she really wants to be with Spike. Why does she have such an obsession over him anyway?' Billy asked himself before taking hold of Deidra's hand and drawing her attention away from the ritual and to him.

"What's wrong, Billy?" Deidra asked him, wondering why he stopped her from setting up the ritual.

"I need to know something from you... and I want the whole truth. No lies" Billy answered. Deidra nodded and smiled:

"Of course." Billy just looked into her eyes and at first he was scared to bring up the subject, but something was amiss for her to have such a big obsession over Spike.

"I want you to tell me the whole reason why you have such a big yen for Spike", Billy said while he crossed his arms. Deidra just turned her back to him and kept quiet. She didn't want to reveal to him her past just yet. 'He may not want to be with me if he knew who I used to be...' she thought to herself.

"All right... I will tell you everything..." She got a faraway look in her eyes as she unlocked the past and began from the beginning.

"Abigail.... Abigail...ABIGAIL!"

        All you heard next was a slap to the face. She regained her thoughts and saw her uncle, Reverend Samuel Parris standing inches from her. All he did was stare at her with a furious look to his face.

"Did you not hear me when I called you? I swear I do not know what to do with you, child. I took you in when Salem was raided by the Native Americans and they had killed your parents and this is the respect you show me?" Abigail just stared back at her uncle and was just so bored with the life that she had or really had to follow because of her uncle and his 'orders'.

        Abigail just stayed quiet and her uncle was even more furious with her disobedience of not answering him, he just left the room. She walked up to the window and leaned up against the wall and just stared out at the woods near their house. She wanted a better life than this. She wanted to have a life with excitement and adventure.

                Abigail was up in the spare room that they had set up for her when she began to flip out on herself. She began to run all around the room as fast as she could just flailing her arms about. She was throwing her clothes all around the room, ripping all the blankets off her bed and just tearing everything up in her room. She was even seen ducking under chairs and trying to climb up the chimney. Her uncle came in to find her having these hysterics and was immediately concerned for her health and the affect it would have on the people in the house.

        Not worrying for almost two days about Abigail's 'disease' affecting everyone in the house, her nine year old cousin, Elizabeth soon started to show the same fits of hysterics and soon joined Abigail with the same actions. Soon after having the doctor examine both girls and found that it was not a medical issue but rather more likely to be witchcraft. Reverend Parris was unsure of what to do with them. They could not figure out what was wrong with both girls and the doctor even said that he had no idea what was causing them to act like this. It was not normal.

        Abigail had claimed that she had witnessed Elizabeth's specter and 40 other women partake in blood drinking outside the Parris home. She figured that if she wanted to have excitement in her life, this was one way to do just that. After a few weeks went by, Abigail had then given formal testimonials of seven cases of the girls practicing witchcraft. She was also involved in 17 capital cases and at least 41 legal complaints. There were at least 150 'witches' imprisoned because of her testimonies.

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