Chapter Seventeen: Give It Time

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Chapter 17

Willow, Oz, and Giles were all out in the main area still fighting off Deidra's men. Willow used a lot of the destructive spells she knew to repel Deidra's men, taking out at least ten men herself. Once her magical energy was spent, she had finally wielded her sword and began to fight Deidra's men normally. Both Oz and Giles were holding their own with the fighting but were getting a bit beat up and exhausted. Oz was up against two of Deidra's men and one of them had overpowered him, hitting Oz's sword out of his hand. The other vampire grabbed Oz from behind and held him so he couldn't move. The one vampire that had unarmed Oz went up to him and grabbed him by the throat, raising him off the ground. Both vampires laughed at this and threw Oz back against the cave wall hard, knocking him out. 

"OZ!" Willow screamed out seeing that. 

Willow quickly rushed to Oz while taking her sword and slicing at one of the vampire's neck, beheading him, and using what energy she had left to repel the other vampire with her UV light spell, instantly dusting him. She had got to Oz's side and gently spun him around, laying him across her lap. She examined him; seeing his face was badly bruised and bloody.

"Oh, Oz... everything will be all right, I promise," Willow calmly said to him while holding him close to her. 

Willow kept Oz close to her watching Giles, Clem, and the remaining demons fight off Deidra's men as best as they could. She sighed deeply seeing how everyone was having trouble taking them all out. 'Please... someone help us', Willow thought to herself just as she heard Buffy shout out. Willow looked up to the front of the altar and saw Spike standing there with the dagger through his heart. She watched Buffy break free from her chains and quickly go to Spike.

Buffy ran up to Spike and barely caught him as he fell to his knees. She held him close as he went limp in her arms; but he didn't evaporate as vampires do when they are stabbed through the heart. So perhaps he missed his own heart somehow.

"Spike? Oh my God... Spike?" Buffy quickly and worriedly said holding him close.

Buffy slowly turned Spike over, gently laying him down on the stone ground. She knelt over top of him while examining him, seeing that he was in a daze and not moving. 

"Spike?" Buffy softly said, getting tears in her eyes. She placed her hand on his cheek and saw that his hand was still on the dagger's hilt. 

Buffy placed her hand on top of his that held the dagger and felt how stiff he was as if he was dead. She looked back at him and saw his eyes were open. She leaned into him more as tears slowly began to roll down her cheeks. 

"How sentimental," Deidra said to Buffy while standing behind her. Buffy turned her head and stared at Deidra angrily.

"Aww what's the matter, Slayer? Too sad that I killed your boyfriend?" Deidra asked pouting sarcastically at Buffy.

"Do not worry, Slayer. You will be joining him soon enough," Deidra growled out as her face turned to her vampire form before charging after Buffy.

Buffy quickly got to her feet and charged back at Deidra. Both grabbed onto one another, taking hold of each other's shoulders. Buffy overpowered Deidra and threw her to the side, slamming her into the stone podium and destroying it. Deidra quickly recovered and ran back after Buffy slamming her back into the stone altar. Deidra held Buffy down, making her not be able to move.

"Now, Slayer... you will soon join Spike," Deidra said as her fangs extended. 

Deidra leaned down toward Buffy's neck when a puff of white smoke and a bright white light flashed, filling the entire cave. Deidra hissed out as the white light blinded her and prevented her from biting Buffy. All of Deidra's men were blinded by the light and Giles, Clem, and the remaining demons were able to take them out easily with the distraction. Deidra backed away from the altar, blocking her eyes from the light; allowing Buffy to regain her composure and rise up from the altar. When the light dimmed and the smoke faded, D'Hoffryn and Xander were standing before Buffy and Deidra. D'Hoffryn had his attention on Deidra and he didn't look to happy with her. Xander noticed Buffy and quickly went up to her as she went back to Spike and knelt down by him to check on him again. 

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