Chapter Twenty-One: Beljoxa's Eye

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Chapter 21: Beljoxa's Eye

        Once Buffy and Angel were outside, Buffy just kept a quick pace to get to Spike's crypt for the talisman and dagger then get into town to find this Torg guy. Angel sprinted to catch up to Buffy.

"Hey, wait up...what's the rush?" Angel asked as he kept the same pace as Buffy now.

"The rush? Well I don't know, Angel maybe it's because we have a good lead to go with helping Spike and I would like to get there as soon as we can in case something happens and we lose our chance to get to this Bel-Botox's Eye thingy," Buffy quickly explained to Angel. Angel let out a small laugh at Buffy pronunciation of Beljoxa's Eye. She just looked up at Angel with an evil glare.

"Beljoxa's Eye is the name of the 'thingy' we are going to, Buffy," Angel corrected her.

"Whatever but... from all I know of this thing is that it looks like a floating brain with eyeballs all over it," Buffy said while rolling her eyes. Angel walked a few steps ahead of Buffy to get directly in front of her, stopping her.

"Buffy, listen to me OK? From what I know of Beljoxa's Eye and also what Giles told me, this creature is a powerful oracle and can seem very impatient too. If we...when... when we get to the dimension and come in contact with it, we need to be serious on this and show this thing that we truly need its help. It may not choose to help us if we show any kind of rudeness towards it," Angel explained to Buffy.

        Buffy relaxed herself a bit and took a step back. She raised her hands up to her face and began to gently rub it. She was very frustrated but also terrified that they would never find a way to help Spike. She feared that Beljoxa's Eye wouldn't help them and they would have to deal with Spike being gone for good which would be the worst. She dropped her hands from her face and looked up at Angel.

"I know, I just-I'm just scared that we won't receive any help from anyone or anything," Buffy calmly said to Angel. He slowly walked up to her and placed both his hands on her shoulders.

"It will be all right, Buffy. I know that, you know my true feelings on this but I do wish to help YOU with this. I am willing to do whatever it takes to find the solution and bring him back to you. I promise you that, Buffy," he lovingly said to Buffy as he pulled her for a hug. She gladly accepted it and wrapped her arms around him.

        Buffy slowly pulled away from Angel and looked up into his eyes. He gave her a soft smile and brushed a strand of her hair out of her face.

"Come on," Angel slowly said, taking hold of Buffy's hand. "Let's go see this Torg guy," Buffy accepted Angel's hand and gently squeezed it as she looked up into his eyes. She nodded at him and they soon continued on their way into town to see if Torg was in fact the new owner of Willy's place. 

        Back at Buffy's house, everyone was basically in their own little world just trying to think about the Spike situation. All they could really do now was sit and wait for Buffy and Angel to get back and just hope and pray that they would have some answers.

        Everyone was downstairs getting everything ready for a night of fun. Anya remembered how she had left the board games at Buffy's house that one night where she and Xander had babysat Dawn. Anya brought them downstairs with her; Monopoly, Clue, and The Game of Life and quickly plopped herself down at the end of the coffee table that was closest to the front door. Xander sat at the end of the coffee table to Anya's right and he began to take the board games apart, leaving The Game of Life on the coffee table.

        Willow and Oz both entered the living room with a variety of snacks and drinks and both took a seat on the couch and soon started to pass out the munchies. Xander quickly got off his butt and went to the pile of snacks and quickly grabbed the only two bags of Cheesy Chips he had seen before anyone else could claim them.

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