Chapter Fifteen: Spike's Plan

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 Chapter 15:        


        As Buffy stayed chained at the altar and was forced to listen to Deidra's life story of her days as a demon, it almost made her crazy. 

"Does that riveting story come with background music? Because I swear I heard the world's smallest violin play."- Buffy said to Deidra making her and Billy both turn around. Deidra slowly walked up to Buffy and leaned down close to her.  

"I have gone through hundreds of years not knowing what I was or what a vampire could do; the strength and powers that you possess. Now I know and here I find out that a single vampire; like me can be even more powerful. That single vampire can control anything and everything. I will truly be Queen of the universe", Deidra stated while giving Buffy an ecstatic look.  

"I'm glad to see that you are in a good mood." Buffy said with a cocky attitude. Deidra glanced down at Buffy and gently placed her hand on Buffy's right cheek.  

"Dear, dear slayer your time is almost up. We have something that will make all of this so much easier." Deidra then clapped her hands and four of her men that were dressed in black robes came out. Two of them had gotten a hold of Giles and the other had Oz.  

"Giles!" Buffy called out now trying even harder to break free.  

"I figured since this will be your last night on this earth that your watcher should be present for this." Deidra said smiling. "These two fell right into my trap. Your other friends should be making their way to me shortly. Their cave is much longer before my trap", Deidra said soon chuckling.  


        Spike faintly heard what Deidra had said and he quickly looked back and sent the vampire that was with them to try to catch up with Clem and the others to warn them. Spike looked down from the path's entrance and noticed all these rocks off to the right. 

"Follow my lead... stay low." Spike whispered just before he jumped down from the path's ledge and made his way to the right and got behind a big rock.  

        He waved his hand at Xander and then just motioned for them that it was clear. Xander and Willow both jumped down together and quickly made their way to Spike. They stayed there as Spike moved on to make sure that they were not going to run into any trouble. Looking ahead he saw two of Deidra's men were off to the side and were carrying black robes. Spike smirked and snuck up behind them. Getting to his feet he tapped them both on the shoulder which made them turn around. They only got to see Spike with the Scythe before losing their heads being instantly dusted. Spike picked up the two robes and shook the dust off of them. He waved for the gang to follow. When they got to him he showed them the two robes and smiled.  

"Excellent idea. Two of us go in there disguised as her men. But... who will be going?" Willow asked him. Spike looked up at the altar still seeing Deidra talking Buffy's ear off.  

"I will get one for sure and the other..." Spike took one for him and looked at both contemplating who was the most powerful out of the two. "I say Red goes with me." Spike said trying to hand the robe to Willow but Xander takes it before she could grab it.  

"No... How about me? Buffy is my friend and I'm not going to let her die", Xander said a bit annoyed by Spike's decision. Spike shook his head and jerked the robe out of Xander's hands.  

"Still trying to be the hero, eh mate?" Spike asked him. Xander just gave Spike an evil glare and Spike just returned the evil look. 

"Red, I want you to come with me because you have that magic skill", Spike stated while handing her the robe once again. 

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