Chapter Sixteen: The Eternal Exchange

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Chapter 16:

Xander had made it safely out of the cave where the ritual was taking place. He knew that he had an hours' time to get back to Buffy's house, grab the talisman, and summon D'Hoffryn so he had to be fast. Xander had run as fast as he could to Buffy's house and it took him only twenty minutes to make it there. Once he was inside, he sped up the stairs, and quickly rushed to Willow's room. He opened the door and stood at the doorway at first, looking inside. His attention was drawn to the nightstand that Willow had mentioned and he saw a small jewelry box sitting by the lamp. He quickly jumped on the bed and plopped on his butt soon grabbing the jewelry box. He sighed deeply and slowly opened it, revealing a few rings and one necklace. He took hold of the necklace and smiled at it.

Xander made his way down onto the floor and sat down on his knees as he held onto the talisman. He looked up and looked around the room.

"Well... here goes nothing..." Xander quickly said to himself soon gripping onto the talisman and raising both his arms up to summon D'Hoffryn.

"This... umm this is Xander Harris. You may not remember me but you knew of the one I loved... Anya. And you also know of Willow. You offered her a job as a vengeance demon but she said no. I am asking you for your help... something that deals with Abigail something... umm Williams, that's it! Abigail Williams."

Before Xander could get out another word to explain, a puff of white smoke and a bright white light filled the room. Xander quickly fell back on his butt and backed up against the bed as he saw the white smoke start to fade and there was D'Hoffryn with his back turned to him. He began to speak while he spun around. 

"Behold D'Hoffryn! Lord of Arashmaharr, he that turns the air to blood and rains death upon—", D'Hoffryn soon stopped seeing Xander sitting on the floor.

"Who are you?" 

"I...I'm Xander Harris... Willow's friend....she says 'Hi'", Xander replied nervously. D'Hoffryn gave Xander an aggravated glare.

"Ah... I do remember you; Ms. Rosenberg's friend. The one that was going to wed my Anyanka... a shame she had to die." D'Hoffryn lightly sighed but looked back up at Xander.

"Do you know the punishment for a mortal who summons me... especially to one that I did not give my talisman to?" Xander quickly got to his feet with both his hands held out to D'Hoffryn.

"Wait... before you do any type of punishment to me... I was told to summon you and ask for your help." D'Hoffryn raised an eyebrow and slightly nodded to Xander.

"My help? And what is this help that you need from me?" Xander sighed deeply and soon cleared his throat.

"There is this ritual going to take place... at sunset. Abigail Williams is trying to take over Sunnydale and soon the world by take the Slayer's dagger and drain Buffy of her powers—", D'Hoffryn raised his hand to stop Xander from speaking. 

"Did you say Abigail Williams?" Xander nodded quickly and smiled.

"Yes, I did. Spike said that you would know of her and would want to help us." D'Hoffryn crossed his arms and turned his back to Xander and was just in deep thought of what should be done.

"I can sense within you, boy that you are wanting to ask more of me... please share with me what you wish to ask," D'Hoffryn turned his attention back to Xander and saw the look of nervousness on his face.

"I assure you that no harm will come to you." Xander slightly nodded and deeply sighed.

"Since I figured that you would be glad to come help us with Abigail... that maybe you could grant me something that I have been wanting back for a long time." D'Hoffryn just stared into Xander's eyes, waiting for more to be explained.

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