Chapter Twelve: Mount Up

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Chapter Twelve:

        Buffy was almost to the cemetery entrance to make her way to Deidra's hideout. She stood at the entrance and was starting to get nervous. 'Am I stupid for doing this?' She thought to herself. 'I mean... I am about ready to make my way toward Deidra who may have the talisman. And who is also probably looking for the dagger and who knows if she knows that I have it', Buffy thought just allowing her thoughts to overcome her. She shook off all the negativity and made her way into the cemetery. As she got closer to the abandoned church she noticed how dark it was outside and it was only 4 p.m. There were black clouds up in the sky. It was going to storm. 

        'What if this is a sign that it's meant to happen tonight', Buffy thought once more to herself. Sighing she slowly continued on her way turning the corner and seeing the church up ahead when it started to rain. When she got about thirty feet from the door she noticed how her minions were outside just enjoying the rain and how they were just psyched for being able to walk out into the day without worrying about the sun. 

"Oh great", Buffy said aloud. Ducking behind the nearest bush, she just sat there on her butt now really contemplating on her next move. What really can she do? She now can't use the safety of the sun if she got into trouble. Plus it looks as if there are way over a dozen vampires that are keeping watch for her. 

"Maybe this was not such a good idea", she whispered to herself. But before Buffy could make the choice of bailing she heard: 

“I would say that it was a very dumb idea." 

        Buffy quickly looked up quickly getting to her feet and seeing Deidra's boy toy and four of his men with him. She looked at each one and was almost about to make a move to take them out when she was grabbed by two more men from behind. Trying to struggle to get away Billy walked up to her smiling:

"It looks like you're pretty screwed, slayer." 

        Billy looked at the two minions that had her and motioned his head toward the church. They bowed their heads and led her into the church where Deidra was waiting. Spike finally entered the cemetery fearing the worst. Since he made it this far and had not caught up with Buffy yet he had this funny feeling that she was already at the church fighting Deidra or worse. 'Why did she have to go be so stupid!' Spike thought to himself. 'We were doing all right with staying away and... and yeah we didn't figure anything out yet but we were bloody good'. Standing almost the same distance from the church he looked toward the main door and saw Billy standing in the doorway as four of his men went inside. He was just about ready to charge at Billy when two more men came up to the door holding onto Buffy. 'Bloody hell', Spike thought to himself. 

        What was he able to do now? She has the dagger on her and if Deidra finds it then the ritual is bound to happen and soon. He knew that he wouldn't be able to take all of them. He needed help and fast. Spike was going to make his way to Buffy's house when he decided to make a few pit stops for help. Going to the one bar where he always played poker in the back, he quickly went to see if any of his demon friends were there. Entering the room he was relieved to see Clem and possibly two others that may help him. 

"Spike, dear buddy... what brings you here and with such a rush?" Clem asked.

"No small talk, Clem. I need your help. All of you to help actually", Spike stated. Clem looked back at the other demons at the poker table before looking back at Spike. 

"Sure, pal. What do you need?" Clem said as he patted Spike on the back. Spike took out a cigarette and lit it real quick.

"Buffy... she has done a very stupid thing. She went to Deidra's hideout at the abandoned church alone with this dagger that can be used in a ritual that may bring the end of the world. Also killing her." All the demons stop playing poker and just stared at him. 

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