Chapter Fourteen: Unlocking the Past Part Two(First part Redone)

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Chapter Fourteen:

        As Deidra had explained to Billy and also to Buffy about her past life Spike, Willow and Xander were getting further into the middle cave when Spike noticed light up ahead. Now walking even more slowly, Spike finally saw the end of he narrow cave. He snuck to the end and looked out and saw an even bigger clearing. He then spotted Buffy at the very end and she was chained up to an altar. "Buffy", Spike quietly stated. 'From what I had seen in that book... Deidra will be at her weakest right before the stab of the knife', Spike thought to himself. He then went to save her but was stopped. by Xander. 

"Are you crazy? Look down there. No one else is around... Buffy is right there. Doesn't that spell trap?" Xander asked him. Spike looked back at the area and could not keep his eyes away from Buffy. 

"I need to save her", Spike stated and tried once again to go but was stopped again. 

"No, Spike just stop", Willow ordered him as she made her way beside him. She examined the clearing and could sense that the area was being watched. "It is a trap, Spike. I can sense them down there. I just cant pin point where they are at." Willow said a bit disappointed in herself. Spike growled in frustration and was going to go after her but saw only Deidra nad Billy talking. Spike then decided to watch to see what happens. They still had a few hours before it was time to begin the ritual so Deidra was still obligated to continue her life story to Billy and even to Buffy. 

"You want to know how my life was when I was with Spike? Well then I guess I must start when I first became a vampire... he sired me." Deidra said quietly as she got that faraway look in her eyes as she was transported back in time again.

        It was the year 1969 and Deidra was unclear of the era she was in and she was just scared to death. She had no idea where she would go or how to even re start her life. From what she had seen around her and also heard from a few civilians around someone or something that was called Woodstock was coming to town. 'What is this Woodstock that people speak of?' Deidra asked herself. As she continued to walk through the crowd she heard loud music up ahead and decided to go with the crowd to get a peek at the events.  Once Deidra was inside and part of the event that was taking place, she saw a big sign that someone was holding. 

"Woodstock", Deidra said aloud. She looked around and saw people drinking, dancing; even partaking in drugs. When she finally got a bit closer to the stage where the musicians were playing she could not help but smile and want to dance as well.  

        Nightfall had hit the event and everyone was still up and about and just having a good time. Deidra had ended up running into this average looking guy that had a tie-dyed shirt on and a headband that had colorful beads embedded into it. The man was socializing with this small group of people while they were also smoking some Marijuana. The man took a long drag of the joint and handed it to Deidra. She took hold of it and just stared down at it. She looked at the man and all around the crowd and noticed that they were all starring daggers at her, wanting her to join them with having some fun. 

"Eh, what the hell", Deidra said aloud shrugging before taking a long drag off of the joint. Taking the hit like a champ, she exhaled the smoke and barely coughed.  

        As the night went on, they all continued to smoke and get high. Deidra had never smoked Marijuana before and it was definitely taking its strong effect on her. Deidra was in one of the chairs and she was sitting back with her eyes barely open. She could barely see her surroundings so she didn't comprehend at all that she was all alone. 

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