Chapter Eleven: Decisions

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Chapter Eleven:

        The next morning, Buffy woke up by rolling into Spike. She laid there for a few minutes just watching him sleep. She ran her hand across his cheek making him barely stir. She saw how happy and peaceful he was as he slept next to her. She got out of bed and went to her closet. Grabbing a red halter top and a pair of blue jeans, she got dressed. She went over to Spike, who was still sleeping and softly kissed him on the lips which woke him. 

"Buffy? Everything all right, luv?" Spike asked her. 

"Yeah, it's fine. I'm just going downstairs to get something to eat. I need to get my strength up", she answered him. Spike sat up in bed and gave her a playful smile. 

"You need your energy to keep up with me there, pet?" Buffy smiled while going back to him, which Spike quickly grabbed her wrist and dragged her into bed sitting her on top of him. 

"Spike, come on. I'm hungry", she said pouting. Spike placed his hands on her bottom and pulled her into him just grinding against her. 

"Stop..." she softly whispered. 

"Make me", he said as he pulled her down and kissed her passionately on the lips. Still kissing her, Spike rolled her over and placed his hand on her back making their bodies rub up against each other. Buffy pulled away and smiled at him. 

"You are such a distraction." Spike smiled while brushing her hair out of her face. 

"Do not go yet, Buffy", Spike pleaded with her. Buffy kissed him. 

"I will be back up soon. Go back to sleep. Get your energy up for me." She winked at him before getting out of bed and left the room. 

        When she finally got downstairs she heard talking in the kitchen. Heading there she heard it was Giles and Willow talking. Before going in to see them she had heard Willow say her name so she decided to hang back to eavesdrop. Giles and Willow was in the kitchen sitting at the counter drinking tea. Willow couldn't stop thinking about the weird vibe that she kept getting every time she was around Buffy. There was something about her that was different but she couldn't place it. Looking at Willow, Giles had noticed that she was randomly looking at him as if she needed to say something. 

“Willow, if you need to say something to me, please do. I am right here if you ever need to discuss anything", Giles reassured her. She sighed and took a drink of her tea. 

"I really don't know for sure... but I think there is something up with Buffy." 

"Like, what do you mean? Hurt wise?" Giles asked her worriedly. 

"No, nothing like that. It's something else. Every time I get around her I sense like there is something different. I feel this energy coming off of her and I can't place it", Willow answered. Giles nodded.

"Well, I believe what you are feeling is the energy that went inside her once she grabbed the dagger. She still seems the same but maybe I am wrong. Have you talked to her?" Giles asked. 

"Not really, no... but I don't think it's from the dagger. I felt this feeling before you came here. I asked her if anything was wrong and she said she was fine. I want to try and see if I can find out more before I straight up ask her", Willow replied. 

"That is perfectly understandable. But... what could you be feeling from her?" Giles asked her now feeling a bit curious as to what was wrong with Buffy.

        Buffy sighed, hearing this conversation. She knew what Willow was talking about and she wasn't shocked at all. With Willow having so much power with the magics... it was not surprising that she could sense the energy that she got off Spike biting her. But was she going to tell them yet? No, she couldn't. She still was unsure about how Giles would react knowing that, so she decided to wait a little longer. Hearing Giles ask 'what could you be feeling from her?', and fearing that Willow would mention Spike, she knew she had to get in there. Keeping her cool she finally made her way into the kitchen as both Giles and Willow looked at her. Both had the guilty look on their faces like they were talking about her. 

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