Chapter Two: Queen Deidra

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Chapter Two

        It was a quiet night in Sunnydale. Buffy had decided to finally stay in and take a break from patrolling. She was up in her room looking out her window. She kept getting those eerie feelings like something or someone was watching her. She actually even sensed like something was calling her to come outside. A knock came at her door which she broke from her senses and went back to folding her laundry. 

"Come in", she called out. The door opened and there was Willow. 

"Hey Buffy, you're not going out tonight?" she asked. Still folding laundry Buffy shook her head.

"No. It's been quiet a few nights now. I figure it was time for 'Buffy Time'." Willow smiled.

"Awesome. Well, since you're home and here to ask... Do you want to have some 'Buffy Time' at The Bronze with us?" Buffy shook her head.

"I would feel like the third wheel or something." Willow groaned out in frustration.

"Come on, Buffy. All you ever do is keep to yourself nowadays. You're always distant. Come have some fun with us. Drinking and dancing is a very good combination." 

Buffy did smile but was still distracted by her feelings. She was in no mood for fun. Willow sat down on her bed and began helping her fold laundry. 

"Is something wrong? We can talk, you know that right?"

"Oh, I know. I'm just a little tired. It feels good to not have to worry about any demons tonight." Buffy sighed as she looked over at her window, still sensing something near.

Across Town, Near Cemetery: 

        A black and purple 1970 Plymouth Hemi Road Runner drove into Sunnydale blasting loud metal music. The car finally stopped just inches away from hitting the town sign. The door opened and out came this woman with medium length black hair, a petite body wearing a tight black leather mini-skirt, fishnet stockings and a black skin tight tank top. She looked around town and saw all the people walking down the streets and sitting at the park. 

"Could be home", she said as she leaned up against her car taking a cigarette out and lights it. 

"I wonder who’s good to eat around here." She said taking a long drag off her smoke, her face then transforming into her vampire form. She got back into her car and slowly drove through town looking for the perfect spot or place to feed. Looking up ahead she saw a big group of people go into this club.

"The Bronze, huh?" She stated as she parked the car and changed her face back to her human form. She got out of the car and smirked as she saw all the people around. She immediately went inside. 

        Once she was in, she slowly walked around just admiring all the people having fun. There was this all-chick band playing tonight and this slow song came on and she heard someone mention it was called 'Evil Seductress'. Smiling, she went out onto the dance floor and began to dance seductively by herself. As she swayed her body back and forth while rubbing her hands all over her body she saw this man eyeing her up and down with this look on his face like he just found his prey. She smirked sensing that he was not just a man but also a vampire. She raised her arm and pointed at him motioning for him to dance with her. Once the man accepted and was there with her, she leaned into him and placed her back up against him. She then began to rub herself up and down his body. After teasing him a bit, he whispered in her ear:

"You wanna get out of here?" 

She nodded and he took hold of her hand, leading her outside in the alley out back. Once in the alley the man pushed her up against the brick wall. He smiled and looked her up and down once more with his breathing quickening.

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