Chapter Seven: Something Wicked This way Comes

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***Warning: This entry has some sexual content in it. Reader discretion is advised.***

Chapter Seven:

        Buffy and Spike were safe from Deidra and her men. Once arriving at Spike's place they barricaded the door so no one could get inside. Buffy then immediately went to Spike to help with his wound. 

"Where are your bandages?" She asked him. Groaning in pain:

"Metal box in the bedroom." As Buffy quickly went for the box, Spike took off his leather duster. When Buffy returned she placed the box on the table and got out some bandages and the medical tape. Looking at the stake that was still in his flesh she lightly took hold of it. 

"Brace yourself..."

        She said as she quickly pulled the stake out hearing Spike's flesh rip and tear which made him scream out in pain. Spike took his shirt off and exposed the wound so Buffy could patch it up for him. Once she was finished tending to his wound, Spike saw the gash on Buffy's forehead. 

"Let's get you taken care of now", he said as he grabbed some bandages himself. Once he finished with her he saw the sad expression on her face.

"Everything OK, luv?" He asked. Buffy was holding her tears back that wanted to escape. She was so close to telling Spike that she loved him before Deidra showed up and ruined it all. She felt this was the perfect moment to tell him. 'Don't be nervous, just say it', she thought to herself. She looked into his eyes. 

"Spike... I thought I was going to lose you." Buffy then let out a deep breath being so nervous. 

"When Deidra threw the stake at you... It scared me." Tears then began to form in her eyes. 

"Don't ever be scared for me, pet. It takes more than a stake to take the big bad out", he said smirking but his smile soon faded when he saw that Buffy was really upset. Buffy then fell into his arms embracing him. 

"Spike... I thought she had killed you when she threw the stake at you", she said as her voice quivered. 

"You will never lose me, Buffy. I will always be here for you", he reassured her. Buffy pulled away from his embrace. 

"Spike, please listen to me. And please believe what I'm going to say to you..." Buffy cleared her throat really nervous at this point. 

"You told me that I shouldn't care what my friends thought of me... as long as I'm happy, right?" she asked him. 

"Yes, but..." But she interrupted him.

 "No, listen to me. You're right. This whole time... I was scared. Scared of letting my feelings out... scared of saying anything to my friends. After what happened tonight and almost losing you again... I'm not anymore." Spike wiped the tears from her cheeks. 

"What are you trying to say, Buffy?"

"You can't tell? You really don't know what I'm getting at?" She asked him but he just shrugged his shoulders. 

        Buffy knew why he didn't show much attention to what she was saying. Even though that she had said she loved him before he died... she knew that he didn't fully believe her. He still was unsure of what she meant. He got to his feet and grabbed his cigarettes off the table but Buffy quickly grabbed his arm. 

"Spike, I... I love you. I have always had a care for you. Almost losing you tonight has shown me my true feelings and they want out." Spike let out a small laugh still not convinced.

"No you don't, Buffy. I think Deidra hit your head too hard on that fence and it made you disoriented." He grabbed a cigarette and lit it. 

"I am happy that you finally considered telling me but... I still do not believe you when you tell me that you love me". Buffy couldn't hold her tears back anymore. 

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