Chapter Twenty-Two: It Had to be Spike's Choice

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Chapter 22:

        Back at Buffy's house the whole gang, even Giles was now sitting in the living room playing board games. Monopoly was set up and everyone had random properties owned and of course Anya had the most amount of money and the most hotels added to the properties she owned. The whole gang was so into the game that they didn't hear the front door open. A deep sound of someone clearing their throat was heard and everyone instantly looked to the doorway seeing Angel standing there but no Buffy.

"Angel, you're back. But, where is Buffy?" Giles asked him. Angel sighed deeply and took the dagger and the talisman from his trench coat pockets and handed them to Giles.

"She decided to go straight to Spike's crypt to be with him," Angel answered Giles, who nodded in understanding.

"So, did the Beljoxa's Eye help you?" Giles asked him as both Willow and Xander got to their feet and stood next to Giles.

"Beljoxa's Eye did help; actually it helped a lot," Angel began explaining as he walked further into the living room, standing next to the fireplace staring into the fire.

"What did it say?" Willow asked softly.

"That what Spike did, saving Buffy from the ritual. It- it was an act of good. Being selfless and caring about another, it will fulfill The Shanshu Prophecy," Angel answered them both.

"You mean that Spike will now become human again?" Giles asked.

"Yes, but there is a slight dilemma to that, you see, Spike is the one that must make that choice. Beljoxa's Eye said that Spike needs to make the right choice and he is afraid to make the wrong one that won't make Buffy happy," Angel explained further.

"So, wait let me make sure I understand this correctly. Spike is the one that needs to make the choice? And he is unsure if fulfilling the prophecy to be human would be in Buffy's best interests?" Giles asked Angel completely taken aback that Spike had not made his choice yet and was in stasis on purpose. Angel just nodded.

        Giles took his glasses off and grabbing his handkerchief from his pocket began cleaning them. He was trying to understand why Spike hadn't made the choice to be with Buffy and be happy that way. 'Maybe Spike thinks that he being mortal again would draw Buffy away from him. I mean he told us he was wimpy and a coward but I'm sure he would not go back to those ways since he's been a vampire for so long,' Giles thought to himself as he placed his glasses back on his face.

"I just hope that the choice that Spike makes is indeed the right choice for them both," Giles said as he looked out the window.

        When Angel and Buffy parted ways when they came through the portal from Beljoxa's Eye's dimension, Buffy slowly made her way to Spike. She decided to take the long way back to the cemetery so she could think about everything and just think over what was to come. 'How can Spike be doing this to me? Doesn't he realize how much he is hurting me right now in taking his time making his choice? I mean what if he chooses... oh God Buffy, don't even think that,' Buffy thought to herself as she shook her head violently and reached up to rub her face. She stopped walking for a brief moment and leaned against a brick building. Her thoughts were running wildly in her head and just eating at her emotions. 'What if Spike chooses to die? I don't-I don't think that I could keep it together if he did choose to die,' Buffy thought to herself once again before slamming both her fists against the brick wall. She sighed and wiped the tears that were starting to form in her eyes, noticing her knuckles on both hands were bloody. She gave a little scoff seeing her hands hurt but she just shook her head and continued walking to Spike's crypt.

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