Chapter Nineteen: A Ray of Hope

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Chapter 19: 

        A week had gone by from the day that Buffy had learned of the Shanshu Prophecy. She spent every waking moment at Spike's crypt just hoping that the prophecy was real and would be granted for Spike. She had made it her duty to stay with Spike to see if he would awaken and he did not. Buffy was out in the main room of Spike's crypt just sitting in his recliner and could not stop thinking about what should be done next. She reached into her pocket and took hold of her cell phone to see that it was just after midnight. She deeply sighed and placed her phone back into her pocket as the front door opened. She slowly looked to the door as it opened and when the person that entered was revealed; it was Angel. Buffy quickly stood up and just stared at him in shock.

"Angel... what... what are you doing here?" Buffy slowly asked him. Angel gave Buffy a playful smirk.

"Giles called me and said that he needed some information about the Shanshu Prophecy. Said that I was the last resort of trying to find information," Angel replied to her question.

"Giles also had explained to me what had happened with Spike and how you were eager to find the solution and way to help him. So, I decided to come here and see if what he had told me was true." Buffy walked up to him with hopeful yet sad eyes.

"Do you know of this prophecy? Is that why you are here?" Buffy quickly asked him; giving him a confused look. "What do you mean 'see if what he had told you was true?'" Angel kept silent and turned to close the front door before making his way over to the couch.

"I do know of The Shanshu Prophecy, yes," Angel answered Buffy before sitting down on the couch. Buffy had followed and soon joined him on the couch. "And I meant to see if the whole you and Spike relationship was indeed true and I see that it is." Buffy deeply sighed and just looked deep into Angel's eyes.

"Angel, please what can you tell me of The Shanshu Prophecy?" Buffy asked Angel as he kept his head lowered and he glanced turned away. Angel cleared his throat.

"I had found out about the prophecy and even tried to win it for myself. Spike did as well. We both had fought for it," Angel replied to her as he looked up and into her eyes.

"Spike had taken me down and won but it was revealed that the cup that would grant the vampire who drank it, life was in fact fake. Spike had drank it and said that it was Mountain Dew." Buffy's expression on her face went from hopeful to sadness.

"Mountain Dew? So this prophecy they speak of is fake?" Buffy sadly said as she lowered her head. Angel reached over to her and placed his hand on top of hers in comfort and she allowed it.

"No; not fake, Buffy. I believe that this prophecy is real and that we were misled. Or maybe at the time neither of us was fit to be granted it," Angel softly said to Buffy as he gently gripped her hand.

        Buffy bit her bottom lip and sat back down on the couch. Tears formed in her eyes from sadness and fear that nothing would come of this and Spike was never going to wake up. She got up from the couch and walked over to Spike's bedroom and stood at the doorway. She just stared at him as Angel had slowly walked up behind her to catch a glimpse of Spike out cold on his bed. Angel placed his hand on Buffy's right shoulder to comfort her once more.

"We will figure something out, Buffy. I told Giles that I would be here to help with this and to try to find the solution," Angel softly said to Buffy as he gently rubbed her shoulder. Buffy reached up and placed her hand on his.

"I hope that we can, Angel. I just want him back," Buffy stated to Angel as she placed her hand on top of his and gently gripped onto his hand.

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