Death Takes a Holiday [6]

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Alastair was holding a scythe, turning it over his hands. "Anyhoo..."

Dean, Sam, and Selina watched Alastair.

"Moon's in the right spot. the board is set. Let's get started, shall we?"

"You're gonna kill a reaper with that? It's a little on the nose, don't you think?" Dean sassed.

"Is it? An old friend lent it to me. You know, he doesn't really ride a pale horse? But he does have three amigos." Alastair went over to the Reapers. "And they're just jonesing for the apocalypse." he knelt next to the old man reaper "It pays to have friends in low places," Alastair grabbed the Reaper by the collar and hauled him up "Don't you think?" he put the scythe behind the Reaper's neck "Hic cruor messorius, illud sigillum, quod luciferem referendum obstringit, aperiat ut resurgat!" Alastair pulled the scythe.

White-blue light filled the room as Alastair lowered the dead Reaper to the floor.

Alastair straightened up.

Sam looked up: there was a chandelier hanging above the reaper trap.

Alastair stepped over the dead Reaper and grabbed Tessa by the shoulder, holding the scythe to her neck.

Tessa was awake.

Sam glanced between Selina and the chandelier.

"Stop!" Tessa pleaded.

Selina stared at the chandelier and concentrated.

"Hic cruor messorius..." Alastair chanted. "Illud sigillum, quod luciferem referendum obstringit..."

The chandelier was shaking with the force Selina was applying.

Tessa watched Selina.

"...aperiat ut..." Alastair continued.

The chandelier fell.


The chandelier landed on a corner of the reaper trap, breaking it.

Tessa vanished. She reappeared at the candle stand and unhooked the chain.

Selina smirked and acted, pushing her captor backward. She looked back at Dean with a look of worry.

Dean nodded in understanding. "Go,"

Selina nodded and disappeared.

Alastair looked at the remaining trio in anger and frustration.

Dean only smirked "Bye-bye,"

Tessa, Dean, and Sam vanished.


Tessa, Dean, and Sam appeared outside the funeral home. They looked around.

"Where's your sister?" Tessa asked.

"Doing her job." Dean said "You get out of here,"


Inside the motel room, Pamela and a demon were fighting.

The Demon grabbed Pamela and threw her across the room, knocking over candles and the coffeemaker.

Pamela sat up.

The Demon pulled out a knife and stabbed Pamela in the gut.

Selina appeared in the room as the Demon pulled out the knife. "Pamela!" She raised a hand and flung the demon against the wall. Selina stood over the demon "When you go back to hell, ensure you tell my father...I'm done," she exorcised the demon.

Selina Winchester (Supernatural: Season 4) [SPN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now