Heaven and Hell [2]

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"Don't be afraid, I'm not like the others," Anna assured as she took note of everyone's surprised faces.

"I don't find that very reassuring," Ruby pointed out

"Neither do I," Selina agreed

"So...Castiel, Uriel...they're the ones that came for me?" Anna wondered

"You know them?" Sam asked

"We were kind of in the same foxhole,"

"So, what, were they like your bosses or something?" Dean questioned

"Try the other way around,"

Selina couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow "Look at you,"

"But now they want to kill you?" Pamela asked

"Orders are orders. I'm sure I have a death sentence on my head," Anna explained


"I disobeyed...which, for us, is about the worst thing you can do. I fell,"

"Meaning?" Dean asked

"She fell to earth, became human," Pamela said

"Wait a minute." Selina interrupted "I don't' understand. So, angels can just become human?"

"It kind of hurts. Try cutting your kidney out with a butter knife. That kind of hurt. I ripped out my grace," Anna explained

"Come again?" Dean asked confused

"My grace. It's...energy. Hacked it out and fell. My mother, Amy, couldn't get pregnant. Always called me her little miracle. She had no idea how right she was,"

"So, you just forgot that you were God's little Power Ranger?"

"The older I got, the longer I was human, yeah,"

"I don't think you all appreciate how completely screwed we are," Ruby spoke up

"Ruby's right. Heaven wants me dead,"

"And Hell just wants her. A flesh-and-blood angel that you can question, torture, that bleeds,"

Selina looked down the more Ruby spoke.

"Sister, you're the Stanley Cup. And sooner or later, Heaven or Hell, they're gonna find you,"

"I know. And that's why I'm gonna get it back," Anna claimed

"What?" Sam asked

"My grace,"

"You can do that?" Dean questioned

"If I can find it,"

"So, what, you're just gonna take some divine bong hit, and, Shazam, you're Roma Downey?"

"Something like that,"

"All right." Selina sighed "So, where's this grace of yours?"

"Lost track. I was falling about 10,000 miles per hour at the time,"

"Wait." Selina shook her head "You mean falling, like, literally?"


"Like the way a human eye can see?" Sam asked, "Like a comet, maybe, or a meteor?"

"Why do you ask?"

Sam moved over to some books and old magazines and picked out an article "Here. In March '85, a meteorite vanished in the night sky over northwestern Ohio. It was sighted nine months before Anna was born, and she was born in that part of Ohio,"

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