The Rapture

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Selina was driving the Impala when Castiel appeared in the passenger seat causing her to slam on the brakes. "Jesus, Cas!"

"We need to talk," Castiel said sternly.

Selina raised an eyebrow as she noted that the angel didn't make his usual quirk of not being Jesus. Selina looked around and sighed "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"

"It's not safe here. Someplace more private,"

"More private? We're inside my head,"

"Exactly. Someone could be listening,"

"Cas, what's wrong?"

"Meet me here," Cas handed Selina a piece of paper. "Go now,"

Selina looked from the piece of paper to see that Castiel was gone. Selina huffed as she looked at the Impala "Well, it was fun while it lasted,"


Selina walked through the warehouse with her flashlight on and ascended a set of stairs. "What the hell?" She looked around to see the remnants of a fight "Castiel, what the hell have you dragged me into?" Her flashlight beam landed on a symbol painted in blood on the wall. She moved further until she found Castiel in the rubble. "Cas?!" Selina hurried over "Cas. Hey, Cas?"

"What's...What's...What's going on?" Castiel asked in confusion.

"Just take it easy." Selina reasoned.

"Oh. No," Castiel murmured.

"Cas, you okay?"

"Ugh." Castiel groaned "Castiel. I'm not Castiel. It's me,"

Selina took a step back "Who's me?"

"Jimmy. My name's Jimmy,"

"Where the hell is Castiel?"

"He's gone," Jimmy admitted.


Jimmy sat at a table and devoured a hamburger while Selina watched. "Mmm,"

Selina frowned in disgust "you mind slowing down? You're worse than Dean,"

"I'm hungry," Jimmy shrugged.

"When's the last time you ate?"

"I don't know. Months," jimmy took another bite of his hamburger and then continued to eat ravenously. "Mmm. Mmm. Mm!"

Selina couldn't help but smirk at jimmy's attitude. "What the hell happened back there? It looked like an angel battle royale,"

"All I remember is a flash of light and I, uh...i woke up and I was just, you know, like, me again,"

"So, what? Cas just ditched out of your meat suit?"

Jimmy shrugged "I really don't know,"

"You remember anything? Anything at all?"

"Yeah,' Jimmy nodded "bits and pieces. I mean, angel inside of you, it's kinda like being chained to a comet,"

"That doesn't sound like much fun,"

"Understatement," Jimmy scoffed.

"Cas said he wanted to tell me something. Please tell me you remember that,"

Jimmy shook his head "Sorry,"

"So what do you know?"

"My name is Jimmy Novak. I'm from Pontiac, Illinois,"


Selina stood by a vending machine and banged her head against it "Of all the time the boys leave for family business," she huffed when she felt her cell phone vibrate "Perfect timing," Selina claimed bitterly. She looked at the instructions and froze, quickly hurrying back into the motel room and noticed Jimmy packing up "What are you doing?"

"Heading home," Jimmy admitted.

Selina shook her head and stood between Jimmy and the door "You can't go home,"

"The hell are you talking about, I can't go home?"

Selina held up her cell phone "Cause I've just been given the order to bring you in,"

"What From who?"


"Come on, that's crazy. What do they want with me?"

"Well, it's not like you've been the vessel for an angel or anything,"

"I don't know anything. Can't you tell them that,"

"Like they'd believe me. I'm not really in the demons good graces at the moment for all the times I've been trying to throw them off,"

"Look, I'm done, okay? With demons, angels, all of it. I just want to go home,"

"I understand,"

"I don't think that you do understand. I've been shot and stabbed and healed, and my body has been dragged all over the Earth. By some miracle, I'm out, and I am done. I've given enough, okay?"

"Look, all I'm saying is that until Sam and Dean return, the safest place is with me,"

"How long?"

Selina sighed as she made the calculations "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it,"

Selina Winchester (Supernatural: Season 4) [SPN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now