Lucifer Rising [4]

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Castiel brought Dean and Selina to Chuck's house.

"Wait." Chuck said as he noticed the trio "T-T-This isn't supposed to happen." he realized he was still on the phone "No, lady, this is definitely supposed to happen, but I just got to call you back." he hung up "I..."

"Where's Sam?" Selina demanded.

Chuck handed over the pages for his most recent transcript.

"St. Mary's?" Dean read. "What is it, a convent?"

"Yeah, but you guys aren't supposed to be there," Chuck argued. "You're not in this story,"

"Yeah, well..." Castiel said. "We're making it up as we go,"

Selina smirked only to frown when a bright light overcame the room.

"Aw, man! Not again!" Chuck huffed as the rumbling began to clutter his house.

"It's the archangel!" Castiel told the Winchesters. "I'll hold him off! I'll hold them all off! Just stop Sam!" he placed a hand on Dean's and Selina's heads, transporting them away from the house.

"Feels weird when we use angel travel," Selina murmured as she looked around the empty cobblestoned church.

"Come on," Dean urged.

Selina picked up the dropped angel blade and followed after her brother.

Dean stopped in a hallway as he saw Sam and Ruby standing before Lilith.

Selina's hand curled around the angel blade as she saw Ruby's smirk.

Ruby thrust her hand forward to close the doors.

"Sam!" Dean shouted at the door "Sam!" he turned towards Selina. "Can't you get in?!"

"Lilith probably warded it to ensure we couldn't just burst in and ruin the party," Selina admitted.

"Dammit! Sam!"

"What are you waiting for?" Ruby shouted through the door, "Now!"

"Sam, now!"

"Dean...move," Selina balled up her fists and threw them forward, causing the door to splinter.

"You're too late," Ruby smirked.

Selina glanced over and saw the blood spiraling on the floor. "I don't care," she threw the angel blade, hitting Ruby where her heart should have been. "No one...messes with brothers. Except me,"

Ruby fell to the ground dead.

"I'm sorry," Sam apologized.

The blood finished pooling, and a bright light erupted from the ground.

"Guys, we need to go," Selina said.

"Sel..." Dean said. "What is it?"

"He's coming," Selina blanched.

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