Death Takes a Holiday [4]

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Sam came into Cole's room, looking around. He sat down next to the open closet.
Cole was just visible inside the closet.

"This all must be pretty overwhelming, huh?" Sam asked "Pretty scary, too,"

"The worst is my mom," Cole admitted

"Must be hard seeing her like this,"

Cole leaned out of the shadow. "She's always coming in here, talking to me, telling me how sad she is. I knock some stuff over to let her know I'm here, but...she only gets sadder,"

Sam laughed a little "Well, you might want to ease up on the flying soccer balls,"

"I'm not telling you where the smoke is,"

"Hey. What if I told you that if you helped me, you wouldn't have to leave here? Ever?"

"What about the one downstairs?"

"Tessa? Oh, she wouldn't bother you. No reaper would. You could just stay here with your family for as long as you wanted,"

"You can do that?"

"Yeah, you bet I can do that,"

"You swear?"

Sam hesitated "I swear,"


"I'll tell you, life is funny," Tessa told Dean as they waited in the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked

"You and me, together again,"

"Are you-are you making a move on me?"

Tessa shook her head "You're the one that got away, Dean. You'd be surprised how little that happens to me,"

"Can I tell you something between you and me?"

"Who am I gonna tell?"

Dean nodded "After our little, uh, experience...for that whole year, I felt like I had this...hole in my I was missing something. I didn't know what. Do you know what it was? It was you. The pain of losing my father, Sammy, and especially Selina. I just...I wish I had gone with you for good. But I guess things are different now,"

"What? The angels on your shoulder?" Tessa questioned almost in a scoff

"So, you know about that, huh? Well, hey, don't get me wrong. I mean, most the ones I've met are dicks with wings. But still...You know, I've done things. Horrible things. And someone upstairs still decided to give me a second chance. It just makes me feel...I don't know,"


Sam cleared his throat revealing he was in the room with Cole behind him "Hey, guys,"

"Hey, Cole. I'm Tessa. I'm not going to hurt you,"

"It's okay, Cole. Just tell them what you told me,"

"I saw the black smoke at my funeral," Cole admitted

Sam glanced back at Dean

"At the cemetery?"

"At the funeral home." Cole nodded "It was everywhere,"

The lights flickered. Everyone looked around.

Dean looked at Tessa "You doing that?"

"No," Tessa admitted

The front door opened. Black smoke poured through, filling the house. Everyone ducked as it poured over them.

When it was gone, everyone looked around: Tessa was gone.

"Tessa!" Dean called out.

Sam looked at Cole. "Cole, you okay?"

"Well, how the hell are we supposed to fight that?"

"I don't know. Learn some ghost moves?"

"By tonight? Yeah, sure. I'll meet you back at Mr. Miyagi's,"

"Who's Mr. Miyagi?"  Cole asked

Sam looked between Dean and Cole as he formed an idea.

Selina Winchester (Supernatural: Season 4) [SPN Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now