I Know What You Did Last Summer

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Sam appeared to be drunk and was playing pool with a man from the bar. "Brian, come on, man, just one more. Just-just give me a chance to win it back,"

"It's your cash," Brian shrugged

"Excuse me." Dean interrupted "My brother's a little sauced to be making bets,"

"He insisted,"

"Yeah, but you've already taken, what, two bills off him? I'm just saying,"

"Hey, shut up, Dean." Sam pushed "I'm fine,"

"No, you're not fine. You're drunk!"

Sam ignored Dean's comment and turned to Brian "Let's make it five hundred,"

"Five hundred,"

"Sure," Brian smiled

Sam put the money down on the pool table

"Five hundred. Your break," while Brian was looking down, Sam raised his eyebrows at Dean. For a second there was no trace of drunkenness.

Dean raised his eyebrows at Sam.

Sam broke, sinking several balls, then saw Ruby across the bar "Keep the money." he put his cue down on the pool table and walked towards Ruby.

"Keep the money? What..." Dean argued as he followed Sam.

"Hey," Sam greeted Ruby

"Well, you got a lot of nerve showing up anywhere near me," Dean said

"I just have some info, and then I'm gone," Ruby told them

"What is it?" Sam asked

"I'm hearing a few whispers,"

"Ooh, great, demon whisperers-that's reliable," Dean said sarcastically.

"Girl named Anna Milton escaped from a locked ward yesterday. The demons seem pretty keen on finding her. Apparently, some real heavy hitters turned out for the Easter-egg hunt," Ruby explained, ignoring Dean's comment.

"Why? Who is she?" Sam asked

"No idea. But I'm thinking that she's important, 'cause the order is to capture her alive. I just figured that whatever the deal is, you might want to find this girl before the demons do,"

Sam looked at Dean "Look, maybe we should check it out,"

"Actually, we're working a case, but thanks," Dean lied

"What case?" Ruby asked as she saw through Dean's bluff

"Uh, we've got leads, big leads,"

"Sounds dangerous,"

"Yeah, well, it sure ain't goose-chasing after some chick who, for all we know, doesn't even exist, just because you say she's important,"

"I'm just delivering the news. You can do whatever you want with it. Far as I'm concerned, I told you, I'm done,"

Sam looked between Dean and Ruby "Wait, wait, wait. This hospital Anna escaped from-it got a name?"


Dean was driving and Sam was speaking on the phone.

"Can I get a copy of the missing persons' report? Great. Okay. Thanks," Sam hung up. "Well, Anna Milton's definitely real,"

"Don't mean the case is real. And this hospital's a three-day drive," Dean argued

"We've driven further for less, Dean."

Dean shook his head.

"You got something to say, say it,"

"Oh, I'm saying it-this sucks," Dean admitted

"You're not pissed we're going after the girl. You're just pissed that Ruby threw us the tip,"

"Right. 'Cause as far as you're concerned, the hell-bitch is practically family. Yeah, boy, something major must've happened while I was downstairs, 'cause I come back, and-and you're BFF with a demon?"

"I told you, Dean, she helped me go after Lilith,"

"Well, thanks for the thumbnail...real vivid. You want to fill in a little detail?"

"Sure, Dean, let's trade stories. You first. How was Hell? Don't spare the details,"


"Of course I want to help however I can," The psychologist said as she spoke with Sam and Dean in the hospital.

"Now, the orderly has no recollection of Anna's escape?" Sam asked

"Apparently, she knocked him unconscious. The blow caused some amnesia. He doesn't even remember coming into her room,"

"That's a hell of a right hook to knock out a guy that's got 80 pounds on her," Dean noted

"We think she may have planned this, waited behind the door,"

"Right. Uh, you mentioned Anna's illness was recent," Sam said

"Two months ago, she was a happy, well-adjusted, journalism major, lots of friends...Bright future,"

"So, what happened-she just...flipped?" Dean asked

"Well, that's the tragedy of schizophrenia. Within weeks, Anna was overtaken by delusions,"

"What kind of delusions?" Sam questioned

"She thought demons were everywhere," The psychologist gave a sketch book to Sam.

"Interesting," Sam said

"It's not uncommon for our patients to believe that monsters are real,"

"Well, that...that's just batty," Dean laughed

Sam turned the pages and saw some meaningful sketches and the text 'Raising of the Witnesses' and in the next page 'Samhain the next seal is broken'.

"That's Revelations," Dean realized

'Since when does the Book of Revelations have jack-o'-lanterns?" The Psychologist asked

"It's a, uh, it's a little-known translation,"

"Well, Anna's father was a church deacon. When she became ill, her paranoia took on religious overtones. She was convinced the devil was about to rise up and end the world. I hope you find her to be out there alone right now,"


Dean knocked on the front door of the Milton home "Maybe they're not home,"

"Both cars in the driveway," Sam noted

Dean tried the door. It was unlocked and they entered the house. "Mr. And Mrs. Milton?"

"We're from the sheriff's department. We just wanted to ask you a couple of questions," Sam called out only for them to notice two dead bodies lying on the floor. Their throats had been cut.

Dean and Sam drew out their guns as they heard a noise in the kitchen and walked towards it, only for the person to jump them and slam the duo against the wall. Realizing who they were the figure dropped them allowing the boys to get their bearings and catch their breath. "Selina?"

Selina held up her hands to help the boys up "Hello boys,"

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