Death Takes a Holiday [5]

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Dean, Cole, and Sam stood on the porch.

Dean was staring at a miniature windmill.

"It's not gonna move if you don't concentrate," Cole argued.

"I am concentrating," Dean challenged.

Sam raised his eyebrows.

Dean let out a breath and glared.

The windmill turned a quarter turn.

"Ah, here we go, baby," Dean cheered.

The windmill stopped.

Cole looked at Dean "You pull a muscle?"

"All right, Yoda, let's see what you got," Dean huffed.

Cole looked at the windmill.

It started spinning and didn't stop. The porch swing started swinging. The wind chimes started chiming.

Sam laughed a little.

"Dude! You are so Amityville," Dean gloated.

Cole grinned "This isn't even the good stuff,"


Cole punched Sam in the stomach.

Sam folded over.

"See? If you want to hit something, you just got to get mad," Cole explained.

Sam straightened up "Yeah, got it,"

Cole looked at Dean. "Now you try. Hit me,"

"Uh, I think I'll stick to just picking on somebody my own size," Dean indicated Sam.

Cole whacked Dean in the face.

Sam laughed.

Dean rubbed his face.

Cole went over to Sam "Hit me as hard as you can,"

"Dude, I'm not gonna do Fight Club with a twelve-year-old," Sam argued.

Cole whacked Sam in the face.

Sam shook it off "All right, cut it out,"

"Make me," Cole took another swing.

Sam blocked and swung back.

Cole vanished.

Dean and Sam looked around.

Cole reappeared out of reach.

"Whoa." Dean said "Whoa, you got to teach us that,"


The walls of the funeral home were covered in glowing blue diagrams, mostly six-sided figures, some in circles and some in squares, all with lines through them and squiggles inside the triangles thus formed.

Dean and Sam crossed the street to the building.

Pedestrians went by, ignoring both Dean and the glowing blue diagrams.

"This looks like New Jack City." Dean claimed, "Can nobody see this?"

"Maybe it's demon invisible ink." Sam suggested "Only see it in the veil,"

"Any idea what it's for?"

"We'll find out,"

A door was standing open.

Sam went in.

Dean followed.

Sam went one way around the stairs, Dean the other. Sam shrugged: he saw nothing.

Dean turned around.

In the open space in the middle of the room, there was a square with triangles on each side to form an eight-pointed star, with squiggles at each point. Lying in the figure were Tessa and an old man in a suit, presumably the first Reaper.

Sam and Dean moved for a closer look.

On the far side of the reaper trap was a man standing guard.

The man had not seen Sam and Dean.

Dean whispered, "Dude, check me out." He took a few steps forward and vanished. Dean reappeared behind the man and tapped him on the shoulder; when the man turned around, Dean punched him in the face.

When the man straightened up and took a swing, Dean was gone.

The man looked around: he and the Reapers were the only ones visible.

A hand tapped the man's shoulder; this time it was Sam who punched him.

Dean reappeared on the man's other side and punched again.

Sam kneed the man in the chest.

The man scrambled away.

Dean kicked him.

The man hid behind the coffin on the dais.

Dean and Sam followed him up.

"You know, this ghost thing, it's, it's kind of rad," Dean said.

Another man came out from behind a curtain, carrying a chain and making pained noises.

The first man scrambled over the coffin and out of the way.

The second man pulled the chain tight and hooked it to a candle stand.

"It's iron," Sam realized.

The man, who must have been a demon, let go of the chain. His hands were smoking.

Sam and Dean looked around; the chain surrounded them.

A third Demon came into the room bringing a struggling brunette with him.

"Selina..." Dean said.

"Boys." The Demon greeted "Find the place okay?" his eyes rolled white: it was Alastair. Alastair's eyes returned to human. He walked up to the chain. Alastair handed Selina over to a demon as he took a shotgun. Alastair checked the shotgun, then aimed and fired.

Dean disintegrated.

"You son of a bitch!" Selina seethed as she lunged for Alastair but the demon had a tough grip on her.

Alastair smirked, "Rock salt's not so much fun anymore, is it?"

Sam glared at Alastair.

Dean reappeared "Alastair. You bastard,"

"Well, go on. Why don't you try some of your mojo on me now, hotshot?" Alastair teased.

Dean glanced at Selina.

Selina fumed.

"It's hard to get it up when you're not wearing your meat, huh?" Alastair asked.

"Go to hell," Sam snapped.

"Ah, if only I could," Alastair turned away, crossing the room and brushed a hand against Selina's cheek "But they just keep sending me back up to this arctic craphole,"

"To kill death?" Dean asked.

"No, to kill death twice. It takes two to break a seal. I figured another one would show up, though. They're like lemmings," Alastair pumped the shotgun and fired.

Sam disintegrated causing Selina to lunge once more towards Alastair.

Alastair went back up to the chain "By the way, it's, uh, good to see you again, Dean,"

"You can shoot us all you want, but you can't kill us," Dean argued.

Sam reappeared, his arms wrapped around his torso.

"Ah, that so?"

Selina blanched in realization "Pamela..."

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