chapter twenty-six

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internships begin.

had it not been a school requirement, [name] thinks she wouldn't have done it at all. though it's probably good, since hero work in japan might be different to what she was taught in america. the class is in the train station, waiting for their respective trains as aizawa bids them goodbye. before he does so, however, he hands [name] a small envelope. "this came in for you today, don't abuse it. safe travels," he says.

[name] was actually going to be staying in the city, so she didn't need to board a bullet train. the agency she chose was just around fifteen minutes away so she was going to take the subway to the place in the other side of the station.

as the class splits up, she notices todoroki walking in the same direction as her.

"oh, todoroki," she says, because why listen to her brother about avoiding him, right? "you're staying in the city?"

"yeah, interning at my dad's agency," he answers. "you?"

"mhm, me too. going to brother's friend's agency," [name] responds. "i'm taking the main musutafu line."

"me too. do you want to sit together?"


this is now how i saw this interaction going.

maybe i should have listened to kousuke.

"ahh, i can't think of a reason why not!"

i really really can't.


[name] regrets her actions very much. although there's not much left to do. it's not like she can run away like she did the other morning. she takes note of listening to kousuke next time.

but her heart rate was normal, she wasn't hyperventilating, no headache. and todoroki was seated right next to her. maybe it's not so bad.

but then the subway makes its first stop and, dragged by the weight of the bag on her lap, she's leaned to her side.

yes it is. it's bad, it's very very very bad.

physics, i've never failed you; but today, you failed me.

her shoulder presses against todoroki's, which she didn't enjoy, she swears, but he did smell nice. he was a delightful person to sit next to, both in class and in the subway. it was much more noticeable in the nearly full subway as there's left a two-inch space between them as opposed to the footlong gap between their desks.

"sorry," [name] says, remaining nonchalant although she was screaming internally. "it's kind of heavy," she continues, clutching her bag with one hand and the other with a tight grip on the seat.

todoroki had his own bag with his hero costume sitting on the floor between his feet, his hands neatly placed on his lap. [name] wishes she could do so as well, but the ua high school uniform skirt was rather short, and placing her bag there would force her to spread her legs.

ahh, we couldn't have worn our physical education uniforms? she cries inwardly. though it would attract attention, it would certainly make this situation much easier. maybe she should've called a driver instead.

"here, let me hold it for you," the boy next to her says. before she could protest, his hands are already on her bag and then neatly placed on his lap as his hands were.


stop it, todoroki, you're gonna make me cry.

but she only says, "thank you," and is finally able to sit properly, without having to clutch onto the seat for dear life.

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