chapter thirty-three

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[name] opens her eyes.

where was she? there's nothing here. darkness surrounded her, and it was starting to make her panic.

she tries to take a deep breath only to realize that she couldn't. she can't. she's underwater.

water fills her lungs and she tries to swim up, wherever up was. she looks down only to see that she wasn't alone.

it was her brother.

he was unconscious.

but he wasn't in his usual clothes unlike her. he was dressed like.. dabi?

fear fills her heart as she swims down to him, trying to wake him up.

she tries to scream his name but she can't and she can only shake his shoulders in a futile attempt to make him open his eyes.

it's unnoticeable but tears fall from her eyes as she hugged her brother as tightly as she could.




[name] wakes up gasping her brother's name. she was on a bed, in what seemed to be the nurse's office.

she realizes she hasn't actually been here before.

"oh, you finally woke up."

recovery girl opens the curtain to reveal herself and began checking [name]'s vitals.

"w-what happened?" she asks, catching her breath. all she remembers was receiving the text, then-

the text!

"where's my phone?" she adds, looking around all fidgety.

"calm down a little, dear," the nurse says.

she composes herself before recovery girl says anything more. she tells her about the events of the day, how she suddenly went crazy during the exam. [name] felt the burden of guilt on her shoulders and it was only lessened a little when she was informed that midnight wasn't harmed.

she still felt bad.

"well, you're all good to go. seemed like you just passed out from exhaustion. i'm not an expert on your quirk, but from what i saw, try not to let your emotions get the best of you as you tend to overdo it when you do. especially when in battle," recovery girl advises.

[name] gives a quick nod of understanding before she was given what remained of her cellphone and started heading out.

with her quirk, she makes a futile attempt at piecing back together the parts of her phone. she eventually gives up and just rushes home to get to her laptop.


checking the time, [name] realizes she was unconscious for a solid eight hours. she was anxious to hear updates from her parents about her brother.


to: [name]
[name]? how are you holding up?

to: [name]
they just finished operating on him. he's in stable condition, finally. it's a relief.

to: [name]
are you alright? are you not getting these texts?

to: [name]
kousuke will be staying in the hospital for a couple more days to be monitored. he's okay now.

to: [name]
the jet will arrive in tokyo in a couple of hours. are you ready to go?

to: [name]

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