chapter forty-five

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[name] hums in contentment as her eyes skimmed the pages of her textbook, reviewing for her exam. soft music was playing in the background and the subtle whirring of the air conditioner only amplified the calm in her heart.

if she were a cat, she would be purring.

it was still early in the evening, almost six, and most of her classmates were probably mingling in the common area.

grabbing her cup to take a sip of coffee, she realizes she's on her last drop and is due for a refill. normally, she probably wouldn't have risked lively social interaction for just another cup, but she was in a particularly good mood and thought, hey, i don't think i'll mind some small talk tonight.

she walks down the empty hallway with her mug in hand and heads to the first floor through the elevator. immediately as the doors ding open she's greeted by the scattered chattering of her dorm mates.

"[name]-chan! hey!" uraraka calls out, waving her over to the sofas where her usual group of friends as well as some others were.

[name] refills her cup with the cold brew she made in the fridge before heading over to the sofas and leaning on the armrest next to where todoroki sat.

"it's a shame you missed the hero basics class today, [name]-san!" iida exclaims, while midoriya added excitedly like a toddler, "yeah!! it was so cool! we had to come up with super moves and train for the provisional licensure exam!"

"hmm, super move," [name] ponders, "i guess i have a couple. ground break and whirlwind. though, i haven't really used them that much since i took the licensure exam a few years ago."

"oh, that's right!" midoriya says, "you're already licensed aren't you, [name]-san? do you have it on you right now?"

[name]'s face lights up a little. "actually, i do! my brother told me to keep it on me at all times so i put it in the back of my phone case since i always carry my phone with me." she sets down her mug before taking out her smartphone, and removing its case, making two plastic cards stick out.

"you have two..?" todoroki asks.

"oh, this is the one issued back in america, and the other is the one issued here," she says, handing the latter to midoriya and the former to todoroki as she spoke.

midoriya examines the ID. it was slightly different than the IDs he'd seen before. the overall lay-out was the same but instead of blue highlights and stripes it was red, and on the bottom area of the picture was a watermark that said "foreign hero."

todoroki on the other hand also examined the plastic in his hands, and though it was completely different from the licenses he'd seen before, his eyes darted to the ID photo. it was the same face of hers he knows a̶n̶d̶ l̶o̶v̶e̶s̶, but she had a blank expression on her face, a different hairstyle, and chubbier cheeks (likely because she was thirteen and puberty hadn't set in yet). he didn't notice, but a small, barely-noticable smile appeared on his face. cute, he absentmindedly thought.

he hands the card to uraraka who also asked too see. it was almost like she read his mind as she voiced her mind.

"[name]-chan, you're so cute~!"

catching the attention of the other girls who sat nearby, [name] only laughed awkwardly as they passed around her ID. "oh god, i hated how i looked in that photo," she says, scratching the back of her head. "but you know, i've come to terms with it. not everyone takes a good picture."

"eeh, what are you talking about?!" mina adds, "you look like an shoujo anime character!"

aaah, i certainly feel like a shojo anime character too.

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