chapter twenty-nine

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"promise me you'll stay safe," keigo says, giving a playful pout that was both annoying and endearing.

it was saturday, the final day of the internship, and [name] was ready to head home. takami was walking her to the train station, chatting before she was to leave. "i'll be fine, i swear," she laughs. "it's twenty minutes away by train. i'll be alright."

"okay," the winged hero responds. they arrive at the train station and he starts to say his goodbyes. "i really enjoyed having you in the office. it makes me reconsider all the requests to take trainees and interns."

"think about applying for trainee in my office, okay?" he says. "i'd love to have you around more often."

[name] grins. "it's not too much of a have kousuke breathing down your neck, asking how i am?"

takami waves his hands, gesturing, "nevermind that. the fun of having you around trumps the being annoying of your brother. and i understand now why he's so protective of you," he smiles at her.

"take care, okay?" he says. the girl nods, saying, "of course."

they give each other a hug goodbye, and [name] waves farewell at him as she starts to enter the station.


to: [name]
are you okay??? i saw the news

to: *dabs*
nshdhsgs im fine

to: *dabs*
it was just some minor injuries but im okay now

to: [name]
im glad to hear that

to: *dabs*
today's my last day of internship so im gonna be free this afternoon

to: *dabs*
do you want to meet up at our usual place?

to: [name]
ah, i'd love to but i can't today. i was invited to a thing

to: [name]
maybe next time. you should rest, first

to: *dabs*
agsghags im FINE

to: *dabs*
im going anyway bc i wanna see touya

to: [name]
hahah, okay. say hi to him for me. and stay safe

to: *dabs*
i will. you too! ♪~(´ε` )


the rest of the day was extremely relaxing. after heading to the usual café to see touya and have a cake, she went back home and spent the rest of the night cleaning up her bedroom and organizing the stuff she brought from the US. she then had a nice long bath, reading manga, as a way to pass the time and touch up on her kanji.

the next day was sunday, and she had nothing to do. so she took the opportunity to practice the things keigo taught her, using the entire day to train and stretch out her body after resting and recovering. it felt good. [name] was almost grateful to have experienced the villain attack. it felt like her body had a complete reboot and she felt reborn, ready to face the rest of the school year with a new, improved outlook.

there was one thing that still bothered her though.


to: big bro psi
are you busy? can we video chat?

to: bb sister
hm? yeah, sure. is something wrong?

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