chapter thirty-six

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to: midoriya
holy shit i heard about what happened at kiyashi from uraraka!! im so glad you're okay.

to: [name]
thanks for your concern ^^; thankfully no one was hurt

to: midoriya
right. stay safe please

to: [name]
i will. you too, [name]-san. see you in school tomorrow

the increase of villain attacks has started to concern [name]. while she was no stranger to them, the frequency of which they're happening has grown, and the gap between each one has shortened.

what's worse was that it seemed to be people important to her that were being targeted. her brother, her friends, her classmates.

what if.. dabi was..?

no. it's impossible. dabi is just as strong, if not stronger, as her and, she, having survived two villain attacks, it's doubtful that dabi would fall victim to one.

being a hero has its hazards, so it's natural to experience some threat while still studying to be one, but she didn't expect it to be that risky.


"so.. given what happened... we're on the lookout for these villains. and we've had to cancel our accomodations at the last minute," aizawa announces.

"we won't reveal our actual destination until the day we depart."

the class had some mixed reactions, but overall most were just grateful that the camp wasn't cancelled.

however, [name] thought that if it was so dangerous, maybe it should be cancelled. risking it was not worth the one week of training. but she chooses to trust the teachers and their decision on the matter.


the bell rings, signalling the start of the lunch break. everyone begins to head to the cafeteria, and [name] walks with her group of friends to their usual place.

she stops walking at the sight of shinsou, who she realizes she hasn't talked to since their last training before the finals. "you guys go ahead, i need to talk to someone first," she says to todoroki who nods and goes ahead with the others.

"shinsou!" she calls out to the purple-haired boy. he turns to the voice and his sleepy eyes become wide when he sees who was calling out to him.

[name] greets him with a hello before saying, "how have you been? i haven't talked to you in a while."

"i'm alright," shinsou answers. "the finals were a breeze. i heard you guys in the hero department had a rough practical."

[name] sweatdrops at the memory. "ehe, it was pretty tough. thank god, i passed," she laughs.

"do you want to come eat lunch with me and my friends?" she offers. "i'm sure they'd love to get to know you."

"ah, thanks," the boy replies, "but aizawa-sensei actually asked to see me."


"i still don't know what it's about," he shrugs.

[name]'s eye twinkle at an epiphany. "maybe they're considering transferring you to the hero department!" she excitedly says.

"maybe," shinsou chuckles. he's forgotten how adorable [name] was. she's been supportive of him since they first met.

"well, i shouldn't occupy you any further!" she says, turning him around and pushing him to the direction of the faculty office. "go! he's probably waiting!"

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