chapter twenty-five

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in the fifteen minutes that [name] was out of the room, the classroom had filled up with the students. she spent ten minutes in the restroom, right after todoroki left the library. she didn't know why. was she terrified of being in that situation again? maybe.

she arrives at the classroom door as iida dashed in, with midoriya following. she greets him with a "good morning."

"great job in the sports festival, by the way," she smiles. midoriya turns a light pink, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "oh, ahaha, thanks."

they enter the classroom and [name] is greeted by mina, waving as she said a cheery hello. "[name]-chan, you're here! i didn't see you yesterday.'

[name]'s getting a little annoyed of hearing it now, but it was nice to know that her absence was acknowledged. "ah, yeah, family thing."

"ashido, didn't you see? [name]-san was in an event last night! sweet profile picture by the way!" kaminari exclaims, giving her a wink and a thumbs up as he showed mina his phone with a picture from her. [name] turns red from embarrassment.

nooo. i knew that was gonna come bite me in the ass.

the pink haired girl grabs kaminari's cellphone as she looked at her photo up close. "wooah! who knew that's what you've been hiding under that uniform, [name]-chan!"

[name] only laughs and smiles awkwardly as she ushered to her seat. not the best start to the morning. todoroki gives her a small smile as she passed.

ahgdh don't do that, i'm gonna scream.

she wouldn't, of course.

oh dear universe, if i'm not supposed to talk to him then why does he sit next to me.

she takes her seat just in time as aizawa walks in. he announces that today they would be picking hero names.

aizawa then displays the number of agency offers from the sports festival. "it's usually a bit more spread out, but the top two stole most of the spotlight."

"[last name]," he calls, holding up some papers with a list on it. "you weren't in the sports festival, but some offers still came in. the news article from several weeks ago must've put your name out."

sure, it was the news article.

midnight then came in and explained the technicalities of the hero names. although tentative, it could end up being their hero names. [name] already has an official hero name, considering she already has a provisional license.

aizawa was in his sleeping bag as others started introducing their hero names. usually she'd be jealous, but lately she's been getting too much sleep and being awake wasn't actually so bad.

[name] has an alright time watching her classmates present their names that she doesn't notice she hasn't actually written hers down yet until after todoroki presents.

shouto, huh. right, his name is todoroki shouto.

[name] decides to go right after todoroki, scribbling her name onto the board.

"not to be copying todoroki, but this is my hero name," she says. it was a bit nerve-wracking, but it's just a little over twenty people. just last night she was wearing a gown in front of a hundred.

"just [name]? are you sure?" midnight asks to which [name] gives an immediate response. "yeah, i grew up with it, it's on my american license, it's what everyone calls me. it's pretty senseless to change it now."

"alright then," the teacher says as [name] took her seat.


[name] skims over the list of offers that she got. none of them were really catching her attention, except for one. it wasn't a hero agency, just a name.

takami keigoit's familiar but she doesn't think she's heard of it. she'll ask kousuke, most likely.

"have you decided where to go?" her seatmate asks, because of course he does. [name] responds, "not yet. i got a few offers thanks to my brother, it's a little hard to decide."

"you're not going to your family agency?" todoroki additionally inquires.

"seems a bit of a hassle to fly back out then back in, so i don't know. i'm still thinking about it. you going to your dad's agency?"

"hm, maybe."


to: big bro psi
do you know who this takami keigo is?? he sent me an offer

to: bb sister
oh yea he's a friend why

to: big bro psi
how many friends do you have???

to: big bro psi
idk where to go i dont wanna fly back to america again but i also dont know any of the agencies here

to: bb sister
well from all the friends i asked, honestly keigo is your best bet lol

to: big bro psi
why have i never heard of this keigo????

to: bb sister
yes u have

to: bb sister
we patrolled together when i was visiting???

to: bb sister
we interned for the same agency when we were in high school??

to: bb sister
his hero name is hawks???

to: big bro psi

to: big bro psi
his name is takami keigo??? since when???

to: bb sister
since always?????? girl u need to get ur head straight

to: big bro psi
maybe if u werent so desperate for attention u would have just enough friends for me to keep track

to: bb sister

to: bb sister
u hurt me right here (〒﹏〒)♡

to: big bro psi
meh stfu

to: big bro psi
so,,,, do i go to takami ?

to: bb sister
it's up to u but he's the one i recommend

to: bb sister
he's not the best teacher but i think you two would get along best

to: big bro psi
i see i see

to: big bro psi
i'll think about it and send my application in tomorrow

to: big bro psi
thanks goodnight

to: bb sister
night~! (。・ω・。)ノ


a/n: short chapter! felt appropriate to end it here but i'll be updating two chapters today and the other one will be a little longer so dont worry ahehe

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