chapter twenty-one

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the two weeks went by like a flash. time passes by quick when your life is routine. it was pretty much classes, training with shinsou, training by herself, with an occasional training with dabi every couple of days.

[name] had recovered like the incident never happened at all. during her personal quirk training, she'd been able to control her quirk more properly, to avoid overusing and taking the toll of its drawbacks.

now, she was sitting in the hot tub of her veranda, relaxing. a well-deserved break, she felt. it was thursday night and she would have to go to school early tomorrow for her competition with shinsou and riko-sensei. then in the evening she would fly out to los angeles to help out with the [last name] foundation gala.

she hoped that it hadn't been too stressful for shinsou. the competition was tomorrow and on monday was the annual sports festival. he seemd pretty relaxed when they were with each other; she only hopes that the incessant events weren't stressing him out.

she gets out of the tub, wrapping herself in her robe. she has to rest early. she thinks she won't be able to for a while.


"...three, four, five, six!"

riko-sensei cheerily counts off the students as they loaded into the school bus. two students are representing their respective batches. shinsou and [name] for the first years; kusari kinzoku and hideaki griselle representing the second years; and amajiki tamaki and hado nejire representing the third years. two teachers were their accompanying coaches, riko-sensei and jie li-sensei, a second year teacher.

the bus ride was scattered with noise. kusari and hideaki were just quietly bickering in their seats, kusari being the one to provoke. hadou, however, was the dominant voice in the bus.

"so! you're [last name] [name], yes?" a cheery voices greets [name].

she only smiles sheepishly as she responds, "yes. please call me [name], i grew up in america and i'm not very fond of being called by my last name."

nejire's face lights up. "i see! you can call me nejire, then, as well!" she says.

"well this is amajiki tamaki. he's super quiet, but don't you worry, he's always like that," she says. amajiki only turns his face away and looks dowm.

she then points to the second year sitting in front of them. "kinzo-kun is also from overseas! he grew up in australia, but he prefers being called kinzo." his uniform was neat in contrast to his attention-grabbing bed head that added multiple inches to his height.

"yo," is all he says.

"and this is hideaki-chan! she's one of the smartest people in the entire school." the girl sitting next to kinzoku is the one who says hello then. she was pretty, silken black hair and a beauty mark on her cheek. textbook japanese beauty.

nejire excitedly chats with [name]. "so, [name]-chan, kousuke-san is your brother right?! pro hero psi?" she asks. [name] confirms.

"he is so cool!" she exlaims. "how is it growing up with him? he was amazing in the sports festival before! when i was a first year, he was a third year and he wowed everyone winning first place by a landslide!"

"ah, but i bet your quirk is even cooler, yes? what is it? and i heard that your class got attacked while having a class in the usj! was it terrifying? how did the class handle the villains before the teachers got there? i want to learn all about it!"

"hadou, don't scare the first year too much," jie-sensei says from the front.

"ah, yes yes sir, i won't," she responds. "you don't have to answer all that," she tells [name].

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