chapter thirty-eight

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hours ago...



"in addition to the kid shigaraki wants... i need you to get this girl for me while we're out on the mission."

the magician leaned into dabi's phone, examining the screen. it was a photo of dabi and some [hair color] haired girl, who was sticking her tongue out and making a peace sign as she took the photo. dabi was looking at the camera, but he seemed to be off guard as his attention was on a black feline on his lap.

"cute kid," he comments. "whaddya need her for?"

dabi stared at picture before shutting his phone off and shoving it back into his pocket.

"just some personal matters i need to sort out. in this mission... she's my number one priority."


present time...

[name] and the rest of the students were sent back to the camp by mandalay, except for midoriya who set off to god knows where

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[name] and the rest of the students were sent back to the camp by mandalay, except for midoriya who set off to god knows where. though she tried to help with the villains that appeared, mandalay insisted, saying that the villains were outnumbered and they can handle it.

choosing to put her trust in the hero, she abided.

her heart was beating fast, but for a different reason than it did five minutes ago. her concern for her friends that were out in the forest grew, and she could only hope that everyone would be fine. until they're instructed to fight back, there's nothing they can do but retreat.

there was something about the way the forest fire smelled that seemed so familiar to [name]. it reminded her of training with dabi in the private field back in musutafu, when he would chuck logs burning blue at her and she'd use her quirk to chuck it back. it was only when she saw the growing blue flame in a distance that she drew the conclusion.

is.. he here?

she shook her head. no, it couldn't be.

so you could imagine her disbelief when they arrived at the camp. aizawa was fighting one of the intruders, and [name]'s eyes led to the receiving end of his attacks.

the familiar dark blue clothed figure staggered up, wrapped in aizawa's restrictive bandages.

her voice trembled as she spoke, her eyes widening at the sight. she was dumbfounded.


his stature slwoly disintegrated into goo, something [name] had never seen before. but seconds before he disappeared, the aforementioned man looked toward the quiet, petrified girl that called out his alias.

"[name]..," the voice the girl hadn't heard in so long answered. the taunting expression that he was using against aizawa changed into a soft, caring one as he looked [name] in the eye.

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