chapter forty-three

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[name] felt. she didn't know what, exactly how much, and how to react, but all she knew was that she felt something in her chest that kept her heart pumping almost an hour after shouto had left her room.

he hastily said goodbye for the night and headed to his room, while [name] stayed on the balcony but as soon as her bedroom door shut, she crouched down and covered her tomato red face with her hands. it took her a solid half hour to calm down before she went back and inside and got ready for bed.

she buried her bright red demeanor into her pillow, as if she was hiding it from the ghosts in the walls, but they knew. because just an hour earlier, the other person of the kiss slammed their fist onto them, covering his also blushing expression with his other hand, before he left.


"good morning."

the voice makes [name] look up from the morning coffee she was having in the common area. she sat on a barstool in front of the counter in the kitchen, staring at her reflection in her drink and she turns a slight red when she notices who was there.

"m-morning," she answers with a crooked smile. her mind was jumbled with thoughts she hadn't sorted out yet, as she woke up with mixed feelings from the night before.

shouto heads to the water dispenser for a drink. "you're up early," he comments.

"i'm always up early." it was still five in the morning, the sun was barely up, and class wasn't for another three hours. but she'd made the habit of going to school early ever since she started walking to class with him.

"listen," she starts. "um, this morning, when i woke up, i kept thinking about last night and i just.. don't know what i was thinking-"

"agh," todoroki interrupts, putting his palm to his forehead, "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have kissed you again.."

[name] responds abruptly, "no! it wasn't that, i mean.."

she trails off, not knowing how to finish the sentence she started. "it's about what i said, on the roof. it kept replaying over and over in my head, and it's just.. i sound so ungrateful and spoiled for not being happy with my life, because i know how i've had it good since i was born. i'm sorry if you think less of me." the reflection on her morning coffee taunted her as she spoke.

todoroki furrows his eyebrow in thought before turning to face her. slowly putting down the cup of water he took, he stands on the opposite side of the counter. he keeps his eyes on hers and she looks up to face him.

"don't apologize for saying how you feel," he says. "i know the 'ideal life' is not as glamorous as it seems. nobody chooses what life they're born into, and it's not your fault you were born into yours."

"thanks," [name] answers, a soft smile making its way on her lips. "i love my family, i do, no matter how much stuff has happened. but sometimes i wish i was born into a more normal one."

shouto lets out a quiet hum in an agreement.

"it's still early so i'm going for a run," he says. "do you want to join me..?"

"i'm not really in the mood for a run right now," [name] declines. "but i'll meet you out front at seven so we'll walk to class together, hm?"

shouto responds with a smile. "yeah, sounds good."

[name] has thought, and said this to herself many times before, but good lord was he pretty.

and they kissed the night before.

oh my god.


grabbing a chocolate croissant she had in her mini fridge, [name] headed out of her room. it was a couple of minutes before seven in the morning, and most of the others had just woken up and started getting ready. shouto, being the more punctual one out of both of them, was probably already at the door.

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