Chapter nine:

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~Rosemarie's point of view~

As a child my mother would read me bed time stories of the creatures of the night, she'd read me one story every night but after each one she'd say 'Not to worry my dear, you have nothing to fear, these tales aren't true, nothing is coming after you' I'd believed her, until I hit puberty. That's when I got my powers, that's when I inherited the curse of my family. I was an angel, a demon, a fairy and a witch, all at the age of thirteen. I was so young, so mislead, so vunerable. I didn't understand what was happening to me, not until I became a vampire, but that was five long years of hell away from where I was at the time.

I was only young, so so young. The day I met Dimitri was heaven. Almost like a fairytale. I could see it as if it was happening before me. I was in a bar at Everdeen county, drinking away the pain of my powers. If you're drunk your powers numb and relieve you of the pain. A man walked in, a very handsome man. He sat beside me on the stools at the bar. "Want to feel no pain ever again?" he whispered to me, ordering a drink and turning back to me. "Hell yeah" I replied, a phrase I'm sure I invented. "Well then come with me" he took my hand, throwing money on the counter, paying for all my drinks and his own and dragged me out of the bar. He took me back to his place, feeding on my blood, feeding his own back to me and snapping my neck, when I woke up, I was one of the immortal and my powers... they were perfectly working they obeyed my commands without struggle and no pain came to me when I used them. It was perfect...

I would be young, beautiful, talented... forever. But with a price, unless I drank the blood of others I would turn to ash and burst into flames, not an experience I wanted and so I took the next step in the process and killed my first victim, making me futhermore a vampire.


I snapped out of the dream, everything was hazy though, the room I was in was light, very light. My eyes scattered around looking for any sight of the fire I'd been in, how come I had lived such an event? I'd been just seconds away from death. Was this hell? Was I un-worthy of heaven? I knew I'd killed men, women and children alike but did that mean I was really going to hell? Probably. I got up and realised I was still in my nightgown, it was ripped and burnt at the bottom but I was still alright. I'd healed. I went out the door in search of a bath room, bumping into Dimitri as I did.

"Rosemarie what are you doing up? You need to rest" I pouted my lips at him "But I need to go to the toilet, wait why do I need to go to the toilet? I thought I was dead!" he laughed. "Your not dead, Bennett and I got you out of the fire" I nodded my head in understanding. "Well if you'll excuse me I'd like to go to the bathroom then" I said, he gave me a weak smile "Third door on the right" I nodded and carried on walking down the corridor, it never seemed to end. Although I soon found the room Dimitri told me to go in. I opened the unlocked door and went inside, putting the lock on as I entered. Knowing I was securely in I checked my reflection in the full length body mirror for any signs of the fire, but the only marks from it I had were on my nightgown. This was my favourite, damn. I washed my hands and face before going to the toilet and leaving.

Dimitri was waiting for me outside my door. "Bennett had me rescue your clothes from the house, luckily for you I'm fire-proof and even more luckily for you: your clothes and make-up weren't affected by the fire" I smiled. "What about my hair" he looked at my straight hair flowing down my back. "We'll um... deal with it" I nodded and let us both in what I assumed was my new room.

I got dressed in the changing room attached to this bed room and came out, a soft pink and lavendar dress to my knees with a black shawl around my shoulders, pink heels that boosted me to Bennett's height and skin colour matching tights.

I looked at my hair in the mirror, upset that it had become such a state. Dimitri stood behind me, leaning against the door frame. "I'll do it for you" he offered. I smiled at him "Thank you" he grabbed my brush and told me to sit in front of the mirror at the desk. I complied and sat in the very soft and comfy chair before me. He started by un-tangling all the knots in my hair, brushing it until there was no end, then he straightened it although it took a while for me to agree to him using straightners on my all natural hair and finally he put it in my famous braid which fell down my right shoulder.

"Thank you Dimitri" he pressed a kiss lightly to my fore head "Anytime, princess" I pulled away from him when he kissed my forehead, he still kissed me but I didn't like it. "Look we can't do this anymore, I love Bennett, it's always going to be Bennett, maybe I did love you back when you first turned me but now... now I'm moving on, Dimitri you should too, because we can't be, some girl out there will be lucky to find you and the same to you but if your wasting your time with me then you'll never find that girl" it was a huge speech on my part and I hoped he listened to me. He kissed me with all the passion in his body, it was a great kiss, movie worthy but I knew deep down that this... this wasn't right. He was the one to pull away, a drugged smile on his lips "Tell me that meant nothing to you and I'll leave and never bother you again" I let a tear silently escape the corner of my eye, it was hard to do this to my maker. "Dimitri-" I gulped. "That kiss... it meant nothing to me, I know you felt it but I didn't, not anymore, I wish I could say I still want to be with you but I don't" the smile left his face "Well then. I guess I'll be going. It was nice knowing you for the last three thousand years princess" that hurt, it was like having a knife jabbed into you and then pulled out in that same instance, until a decade ago I'd been Dimitri's wife and now... now I was a werewolf's wife. What had my world come to?

I stretched my hand out to him to shake "It was nice knowing you too my lord" I did a curtsey and he took my hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a light kiss to it. "Good bye princess, have a nice eternity, but just remember, he'll grow old and wrinkly and you'll stay as young and beautiful as this...forever" he left on that note.

I went downstairs later on, Bennett was in the study sat behind a desk when I entered, he ra" n to my side when he realised it was me coming in the room, he threw his arms around me and gave me a bear hug. "I am so glad you're alive" I laughed "Me too" he chuckled "Dimitri left earlier... for good" his laughter had faded, his face all business "Good riddens" I said. He shrugged it off then took me in a meeting room where the whole pack had been sat waiting for my death or life to be announced. I walked in and smiles lit their faces. "Good to have you back Luna" said Jeremy "We couldn't have you dying on us" said Jared "I missed you" said Maria and it just continued, all night I had people wishing me good health in the future and a long life. Well I could agree with the long life at least...


(A/N) okay so I know it's short... like really short but I had writers block and I'm helping my younger sister prepare a dance for some show she wants to go on. I'm not mentioning any names because it's an on-going mission. :)

Thanks for all the comments, votes and reads. I can't wait to see how I'll end this story because I work off the comments I'm given and good news for you lucky people. I might be doing a sequel to this!

So please fan, vote, comment and enjoy your reading, next update should be later today (my day or your night) or tomorrow. Let me know what you think.

The song for this chapter is Lovestory by Taylor Swift:


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