- 1 - Unexpected

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I smiled as I rolled around and saw the love of my life laying next to me.

We had been together for five years now and I couldn't imagine my life without him anymore. I had moved to London 6 years ago and met him around one year later. He actually had been my colleague at the time and we got along instantly. He made me feel at home, cheered me up, even before we became lovers. Now that we were both friends and lovers I couldn't imagine life could become any more perfect.

"Good morning honey" he groaned as if he had caught me watching him.

"Hi" I smiled "Hope I didn't wake you"

He opened his eyes ever so slightly and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered.

"Never" he smiled and ran a hand over my bottom lip.

"Sleep well?" I asked, smirking

"Always" he pulled me closer to him and I sighed.

"I hate that I have to go" I whined

"Why?" he frowned.

"I got an appointment for my yearly check up with Dr. Smith, you know?" I had told him a few days ago but he had probably forgotten.

I didn't blame him, we had a lot on our minds nowadays. He had proposed to me a few weeks ago and we were in the middle of planning our wedding.

I couldn't believe this was my life now and I loved every moment of it.

I showered and got dressed before walking back in our bedroom to find Josh still laying in bed.

He looked up when he saw me come in. His eyes were as brown as mine were.

"Take a cab, just to be safe" he said worriedly.

I smiled. It wasn't even flu season anymore, it was actually May, the sun was shining more and more every day. But he just didn't want me to get sick and I loved that he cared for me that much.

"Don't worry about it" I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He could sleep in because he was self-employed by now and I was a tiny bit jealous I had to run to my gynaecologist before running to the office so I wouldn't be late for work.

I took the Tube to Tottenham Court Road before walking the rest of the way. I yawned. It had been pretty late last night. We had been out drinking with friends, having the best time. But I hated Mondays as it was, and now I was hungover and tired. Just great.

I arrived at the doctors and they already let me in one of the examination rooms. I undressed as usual and hoped this would be over with soon. I preferred to go to the dentist, to be honest.

I must have taken a quick nap when I heard the doctor come in.

"Good morning" she sniffled.

Flu season still wasn't over, eh?

"Hi" I smiled and stopped myself from rubbing my eyes.

I had never seen her before. She was younger than my usual gynaecologist. As if she just finished uni.

"I'm usually with Dr. Smith" I said slowly.

"Oh she's on maternity leave actually" the gynaecologist said "I'm Dr. Martin"

"Okay" I said

Whatever. I just wanted to get this over with.

"Perfect" Dr. Martin said "Let's get started then"

I winced when I felt her shove whatever kind of object inside of me. I wasn't really a big fan of those kinds of examinations. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, this would only be a matter of minutes.

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