chapter 19

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That bitch... She thinks she can outsmart me well I'll show her. I'll leave her alone for today..until tomorrow. My love.

I grinned and left the house. When tomorrow comes wynter Delaney will be no more. As soon as I kill her I will leave town with my "mate". I couldn't care less about the alpha and his pack. I know wynter has money saved, so before she is killed I will make her sign and say that everything will go to me. But before all of that, I have to go to my girl's motel room.


*next day*

"That's it if she's not a hereafter second period I am tracking her down."

Kit it's only been a day. I am nervous about her too. But girls are more sensitive you know right?

"Yes I know but something tells me, she's in trouble."


"Wynter...." I woke up groggily and sat up."wynter come on... I just want to talk......" hunter was back. He banged on the bathroom door. I scooted back as much as I could and stood up. A few more hard kicks and the door was busted down. A scream tore its way through my throat. Carter stood there a murderous intent look in his eye.

" me alone..." I begged as tears began to build.

"There we go again with the crying... You know what annoys me the most about you is that you're always crying, shouting or being a plain bitch. I saved you from the agency and this is how your repay me. Being a needy bitch who cries when she doesn't get her way. Well, today is the last day you darling." and with that, he lunged but somehow I was quick enough to dodge it. I heard him hit the wall as I ran from the door. I was almost towards the stairs when he grabbed me by my hair." no... let me go!! You bastard!!" I shouted while squirming, trying to escape his grip. I felt him chuckled before turning me around and placing his hands on my neck.

"Wow! Look who's got some balls... I never knew you had them, sweetheart. I am so proud of you. You're growing up and getting out of your comfort zone." he said happily while applying more pressure towards my neck. I gasped and grabbed his hands trying to pull them away from my neck. When that didn't work I scratched at his hands.

I felt my oxygen leaving my body fast, I was slowly losing my energy, my -attacks became sloppy and slow."P-please ...c-carter...l-let me go..." I managed to say in between gasps.

"Hmm I don't know-" before he finished that sentence he was knocked to the ground and I was dropped from his grip. I sank down to the floor coughing and gasping for air.

"So you're the boyfriend, my mates, been talking about.." a deep voice growled out.

I recognized that couldn't possibly be...


"In the flesh baby. " he smugly replied while he still held carter to the floor with his foot.


I smugly grinned at wynter." wynter I just want to say--" I was interrupted by a groan from underneath my foot. I swiftly kicked the guy in the ribs before commenting:" you're ruining my apology dickhead... Be an obedient little shit and be quiet..." I brought my gaze back to wynter and smiled." what I am trying to say is that I'm sorry for being an asshole to you. I didn't know this sack of shit was your boyfriend." the person being mentioned tried to stand up. But I wasn't having it. I sighed before picking him up by his collar of his shirt and pinning him against the wall." listen here dickless, between us guys'" I brought my voice lower and moved my head so that I was speaking directly in his ear." I am trying to apologize, and when you keep making small noises it interrupts me. You want to know how annoying that is.. Being interrupted by a guy who is a douche and looks like a piece of shit, it's pretty fucking annoying. So I am going to ask one more time... SHUT YOUR FUCKING TRAP BEFORE I RIP YOUR TONGUE OUT?! Okay?" I saw him nod. I dropped him on the floor like a sack of potatoes before turning around and facing wynter. She was still on the ground her breathing was becoming stabilized. " Now where was I? Oh!! Anyways, what I was saying was that I am extremely sorry for the way I treated you, I never should have said any of those mean names to you. Can you find in your heart to forgive a monster like me?" I begged, my blue and red eyes pleading for her forgiveness. I slowly walked closer towards her before crouching so that I was in front of her face. I saw conflict in her beautiful sea-green eyes before they harden and looked directly towards mine. I gulped and smiled hopefully.

In an instant, she threw her arms around me knocking me off balance. My arms wrapped themselves around her waist before bringing her in closer. I pressed my nose towards her neck and took a deep breath. I missed her scent, her warm body, her brilliant smiles and the lovely way she blushed. But of course, all happy moments had to end. I heard the guy loading his gun, I quickly threw wynter out of the way and he fired...


"RYDER?!?!" I screamed out, hot tears running down my cheeks. I crawled towards him bringing his body onto my lap, cradling his head and moving his hair out of his eyes. I had one hand pressed down on his gunshot wound the other was holding him up."RYDER!! Please wake up!!! I need you!!" I cried. I heard footsteps approaching and brought my gaze up. I saw carter approaching me, a gun in his hands and blood running down his face when Ryder punched him. "Slut...come on ...we're leaving .." He made a move to pull me up when a hand stopped him.


Ryder was holding me possessively in his arms. Growling and snarling every time carter moved to get closer towards me.

"R-Ryder How?!! Carter just shot you ?!?' I asked in complete confusion. He stopped snarling and looked down at me and smirked." sweetheart it takes a lot to kill me. A full-blooded werewolf." he then looked up at carter and glared, if looks could kill carter would be at the center of the earth by now."Now carter, was it? You pissed me off for the last time... I could forgive you for shooting at me." he placed me behind him and started stalking towards carter who was backing up." I could have forgiven you for interrupting me... What I can't forgive you for is abusing Wyner," he snarled that last bit out before pouncing on carter. I half screamed and looked away. I heard yelps and bones crunching before complete silence. I slowly turned around and saw carters body surrounded by blood. Ryder was cleaning off his hands and face.

"I-is h-he d-dead?" I asked.

"Nope, just unconscious sure looks like he's dead though right?" he flashed me a devilish smirk before he looked at me seriously." wynter..I I want to be with you the rest of my life.....and I get that if you're not ready to be.... A couple then I will give you space.." I felt my heart flutter. I walked towards him, I place my hand to his cheek and leaned up and pressed my lips towards his. A few seconds later.." I love you too.." I felt him rumble with pleasure. His arms made there way around me before pulling my body flush against his. His lips attacked mine with a new hunger. I gasped lightly when he pushed me up against the wall. I pulled back slightly and looked straight into Ryder's eyes. They were a mix of blue and red.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in again, my lips ghosting over his when I pulled away and slid from his form. I began walking up the stairs when he appeared in front of me. "Where are you going?' he demanded.

" I am going to pack... Duh?' I say while flicking his forehead and walking past him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me so that my arms were caged between our bodies and that his breath is on my forehead. "Why?"

"Because I am moving in with you... You still have to tell me everything about mates and lunes, alphas, etc." I explain. I felt him freeze before he lifted me off the ground" you my dear, are truly perfect. " he whispered. I blushed and smiled at his comment." come on dog breath. You still need to help me pack so we can blow this joint." I say while leading him into my room.

P.O.V Jessica 

What the hell is taking carter so long? How does killing one skinny girl take like seriously? I was picking at my hot pink nails waiting for my mate to come back into the car. It has been like an hour already. I yelled out in frustration before opening and closing the car door behind me. I walked up the stairs to his house and opened the front door." carter?" I called out and walked around trying to find him. I heard a muffled response. I quickened my steps and ran towards the noise. I screamed and raised my hands towards my mouth.

Carter was tied to a chair with tape on his mouth. He was gushing blood. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed 911." wynter you will pay for this.." I threatened.

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