chapter 6

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Jessica rivers^

I was almost to my pack house when I heard a gun being fired. I slowed down and mind linked my pack.

No- one steps outside the house. There are hunters here. The females and children go hide in the basement. Any males who are not pack warriors go be with your mates. Pack warriors get into position And don't let ANYONE other than me step foot in the house. Do you hear me? I got answers like, yes sir and yes alpha. I contacted my wolf and told him to take control. He agreed. Once again I felt my eyes bleed to dark red. I slowly approached my territory and what I saw made my blood boil. There on the ground was a pup. There was blood surrounding that pup. I looked away from the dead pup and to the hunter. He had brown hair and wore a white tank, with black jeans and old sneakers. In his hand was a shotgun with silver bullets loaded in it. Over by his left was another Hunter He wore baggy sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt along with old sneakers. And in his hand was a bag with a tie. I felt myself rumble with anger. I growled loudly hoping to draw their attention away from the dead pup and towards me.

" Hey C-carter look over there," the baggy sweatshirt guy said as He pointed to me. The other guy carter looked in my direction. I saw his eyes go wide and he readied his gun. He was going to shoot when I pounced on him. I felt my skin being sliced open and a stinging object lodge in the opening. I didn't even register the pain. I grabbed his gun with my mouth and broke it into pieces. I was just about to bite him when a silver bullet grazed my shoulder. I instantly jumped back and crouched. My ears bent back and my tail was still. My eyes turned into slits as I eyed another hunter. This hunter was old. He had white hair gelled to the back of his head. He wore a white button-up shirt with a green vest. On his legs, he wore blue pants and on his feet, he wore brown dress shoes. His green eyes were glaring at me. I just growled even louder. I heard carter scramble to get away from me and hide behind that man.

" Hey brian," the sweatshirt guy said.

" shoot now talk later, you know this Greg," brian answered as he aimed his gun towards me. I rumbled with anger. I felt my body tense and I let out a threatening growl. Brian stepped back, a bit intimidated by me. Before he lowered his gun and turned around.

" come on boys let's go, I know a spot where the bears are at. If we take down a bear we will be rewarded handsomely. And leave the dead pup. I am sure the alpha will take care of it," he said while putting his gun on his shoulders before walking away. The other boys just opened and closed their mouths like fish before running to catch up with him. I stood there for a few more moments. When I heard nothing. I approached the dead pup. He was a mixture of brown and white. I instantly recognized him. He was Jessica's rivers, little brother. He was 1 year old. Even though Jessica rivers is a slut her little brother meant the world to her.

Jessica rivers I am sorry to say but your little brother is dead. You can leave the pack. A few moments go by in silence until I hear a broken voice say

I will be leaving at midnight


As the mindlink went off. I slowly lifted the dead wolf in my mouth before setting him down in a tree. I started digging a little hole for him. 10 minutes later I was done. I gently set him down in the hole with violet flowers. I then began to cover him up again. Moon goddess, please look out for the pup. Make sure he is happy in heaven. I prayed before retreating back to my packhouse. I mindlinked the pack nurse to come into my room. I was in my room taking my shirt off when the door opened. I looked up and I saw Jessica rivers.

" Hey, I am so sorr-" I never got to finish that sentence when her mouth was on mine and her fingers were in my hair. She pressed her body against mine. I stood in shock for a few moments before pushing her off of me.

" why?" she said as her eyes filled with tears. She was wearing white skinny jeans, a pink tank top, a leather jacket, and pink high heels.

" why what?" I asked.

" why don't you want to be with me? I love you. There I said it now. Happy. You want to know why I am the pack" slut". It was to get your attention. I always loved you. But you never paid any attention to me. You were always paying attention to children. When I would ask you out you would say you had training or you had meetings. Since I knew you liked children so much I told my parents I wanted a baby brother or sister. And what do you know? I got one. Every time when you were around I played with him, I kissed him and I made him laugh. I did all of that sisterness so I could get you to notice me. He never meant anything to me he was just a tool. I used him to get to you. And what do you know? It worked. But after a while, it didn't affect you anymore so. I took it upon myself and made myself wear revealing clothing. And when that didn't work I slept with people. I made my way up to where I am now. I did all of that because I want to be your mate and luna. Once I am luna I will never be ignored again. And that night when it was your alpha's ceremony. I added a drug to your drink so you would sleep with me. I love your Ryder why can't you give us a chance." she said while looking at my face. I stood in shock. Every emotion you could imagine was floating in my mind. I cleared my head.

" Jessica rivers..." my wolf and I said at the same time. We saw her eyes light up and a smile on her lips.

" you are no longer apart of my pack your wolf will be removed. Once that is done never show your face here again.." I said while glaring at her. Her eyes widen in shock. She began crying when guards came in and took her arms. They were moving towards the door. She was failing and trying to getaway.

" Put her in the dungeons we will hold the ritual wednesday," I said to my guards. They nodded their head and left my room, and closed my door with a soft click. I heard Jessica rivers crying down the hallway.

I took off my shirt and looked at my wound. The silver bullet was lodged deep inside my cut and there were burn marks surrounding the wound. The blood-stained my t-shirt. I was throwing away shirt away when there was a soft knock on my door.

" come in," I said and turned around. I sighed once I saw it was just the pack nurse. I motioned her to my bed. I laid down and let her do her job. The pack nurse had brown hair that was put up into a bun. She wore a light pink dress, that went down towards her knees with a white apron over it. On her feet, she wore white sandals. She had brown eyes. Her skin was slightly tan and in her hands was the first aid kit. Her name was Audrey smith. She was the pack nurse. She has been in my pack for over 10 years. She was the second nicest women you would ever meet. Her mate was the packs old beta. His name was Darren smith.

"This might sting.," she said in her Russian accent before applying the antidote on my wound. I clenched my teeth together as she worked. Once she was done cleaning my wound she wrapped it up.

" Good day alpha," she said as she bowed and then she left. I signed and got into my bed and closed my eyes. Today has been a long ass day. I said and my wolf agreed. Soon after that, I fell asleep.

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