chapter 10

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 The school^

 About 30 minutes later we arrived at school. I parked my car and grabbed my stuff. Once I locked my car I turned towards Ryder who was standing across from me.

" so, uh, thanks for the ride,"

" Oh, it was no problem at all, anyways I gotta get to my locker. Do you know where to go from here?"

" umm.... No could you show me to the main office please," Rider said sheepishly.

"Umm sure just follow me," I said as we made our way into the school. 1o minutes later I was standing in front of the office door with Ryder by my side. I took a side glance at Ryder.

Mate, I hear a voice say inside my head. It was a soft, and angelic voice definitely not my own.


Mate, Ryder is your mate.

I looked towards him to find him staring at me.

" here is the main office, look it was nice meeting you but I really have to go okay," I said while looking into his violet eyes.

" Yeah! It was nice meeting you maybe I'll see you around, "he said as he held out his hand. I shook his hand and felt tingles spread from my hands towards my entire body.

"Y-Yeah," I said as I pulled my hand out of his tight grasp. I hitched my backpack further up my back and started to head towards my locker.

It was only second period and I still haven't seen Ryder since this morning.

Wait what? Why am I worried about Him? I barely know him.

Because he is your mate.Dumbass.

There it is again that voice. Who are you?

Who am I? I am so offended. If you must know I am your tiger.

My what now?

Your tiger Repeat after me ti-ger. Tiger

Why are you my' tiger'? I don't even know what that means!?!

I am your tiger. Have you ever read twilight or werewolf books..?

Umm... yes, but what does that have anything to do with.-

It has everything to do with that!? I am your lion. It basically means that instead of turning into a wolf you turn into a tiger And I know you are probably going to ask" how come you are here now and not when I was a kid?' well I only activate when you find your mate. And you did find your mate.

Hold the phone... What the hell is a mate?!?

This is going to be a long ass day for both of us-

"Ms.Delaney, can you read for the class page 315,"

"Huh,....?" then all around me kids started laughing and pointing at me.

"Ms. Delaney page 315..?" Mr. Todd said while silencing the class. I was about to start reading when there was a knock on the wooden door. Mr.Todd sighed and went to open the door. Once it opened I started to blush instanely. It was Ryder. He was in one of my classes. Immediately all the girls who are in Sarah's friend group started showing their cleavage more and trying to look sexy.

" Welcome, Mr-"


"Welcome Mr.Jones go take a seat next to--" I saw him look around the classroom to find the only empty spot was next to me. " Go have a seat next to Ms. Delaney," as soon as he said that all the slutty girls shot me murderous glares.

I saw Ryder walk towards me with a smile on his face. I smiled a small smile and waved.

" Hey, see I told you we would see each other again," he said as he sat down next to me.

" yeah... You're right," I answered back

" Ms. Delaney page 315..?" Mr. Todd said.

" Oh! Right sir.. " I said as I began reading from the book.

30 minutes later...

" Alright everyone listen up,!" Mr.todd said.

" You guys are going to have to go together in a group of two people. No more no less. You will have to research the topics you pick out of a hat. This project is due in two weeks. Find time to do it. There will be NO class time to do it. Okay, that's all class is dismissed." Mr.todd finished as he sat back down at his desk.

I saw Ryder turned towards me and was about to ask something when Hailey walked up to us. She was Sarah's sidekick. She had short brown straight hair, that was in a high ponytail. She wore a blue mini skirt and a light blue crop top that showed off more than just a little bit of her stomach On her feet she wore black heels. Her face was drowned in mascara, blue eyeshadow, black eyeliner, tan foundation, bronze highlighter, and dark red lipstick. She looked like a barbie doll gone wrong.

" So.. Ryder would you like to be like my partner?" she asked while playing with her hair.

" No.." I was shocked at the straightforward answer. No one has ever said no to anyone in Sarah's group. Ever!!

"What do you mean by 'no'?"

" I mean what I said. I don't want to be partners with you.."

"I get it you don't want to get distracted from doing the project by my good looks. Right?"

"No. I don't want to get 'distracted' by an airhead who fucks every guy that walks her way. Now if you would excuse US we are leaving. Come on Wynter.."Ryder answered while pulling me up by my arm, leaving me barely anytime to get my stuff. Once I heard everything he pulled me out of the classroom.

" So.. I noticed before Hailey interrupted you, you were going to say something. What was it..?" I asked while heading towards my lockers to get my stuff for Spanish.

" Oh!! Right, I was going to ask you to be my partner for the project.." He said while leaning against the wall next to my locker.

"Oh um... sure. I would love to be partners with you," I said after finding my Spanish binder and closing my locker.

" what do you have next,?"

" I have Italian,"

"Oh.. which room..?"

"It's 243,"

"That's right across from my Spanish class. Come on I will take you there."

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